- Don’t ask about progress on project xy; we’re not some licensing company who holds back distribution of episodes for increased profit margins — we’ll get the eps out to you as soon as they are DONE.
- Stop asking if projects are dropped; we will announce if we’re no longer working on a project.
- If you don’t like the speed or the effort we’re putting into our fansubs, then just don’t download them.
- Stay on-topic when you are posting. Project requests don’t go under Playback Help.
- Don’t be a jerk.
I mainly want to point out the fact that we don’t stall projects on purpose, real life happens — we don’t live to serve you, and we don’t sub for your enjoyment, so deal with it.
We at Saizen sub for personal enjoyment. We don’t sub to serve the greater purpose that is the fansubbing community, nor do we sub for personal gain, such as Internet fame or the fabled “e-penis.” Accordingly, we fansub at a pace and in a way that we find to be enjoyable and not too taxing our every day lives/lifestyle, hence the many delays and inconsistent release speeds.
Whereas we are perfectly aware that our speed may not be up to par of those other groups who seem to be able to constantly maintain a weekly 5-10hr release, and although we would like to attain such speeds to get all the naysayers off our backs, doing so requires that we abandon our 9-5 jobs and sit in front of the computer for extended periods of the day in order to do so, something we obviously would never do. Also bear in mind that these other groups most of the time rip their subs from shows simulcasted by Crunchyroll and the likes.
Which brings me to my second albeit related point: what we sub and when we sub is our own choice, and if you don’t like it, no one is holding a gun to your head and making you download our releases. If you are going to suggest a series that we could potentially sub, at least be able to provide either translations or raws. We don’t have an infinite amount of staff, and chances are we already have projects of our own which we plan to sub.
Whether we decide to sub project x ahead of project y should really be none of your concern, and since our staff in most part don’t work on all projects across the board, us subbing one project does not necessarily negate progress on another or mean that we’re not working on another project.
Thanks for understanding!
Disclaimer: This is a revised version of the originally written post by ANBU.
So when are you going to release the next episode of Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!
When you and I both stop slacking. ^^
I’m wondering if Speedwagon has read this one yet btw. ^^
He seems to have disappeared, thankfully.
I just want to add that I work generally from 8 to 6-7, and I’m also busy looking for other jobs, and in addition I’m becoming a father this fall. Yes, we’re a group with adult members, not a bunch of kids with all the time in their life.
Will have to add in “some of us even have kids” later.
I just wanted to ask when the next rule will be out?
Probably sometime between September and October.
I hope you guys can sub New Prince of Tennis OVA!
coz no one subbing it T___________T
More Prince of Tennis stuff? Sorry, I doubt that, but link us to it? I’m curious of what this is.
Oh geez… I believe new PoT stuff get simulcasted though, so no need for us to step in and help out. ^^
Also, this isn’t the place to ask this kind of thing. “Rules” really? There’s a tab named “Projects” for a reason.
please seed wild striker
Ohhh… Unseen Prince of Tennis. Don’t hold your breath though, kira. I’m not sure how I’d get a fansub team for it…
minnah, kira, do you guys have download links to these pot oavs?
hello there’s a link on the ovas
i only find avi and mp4.
ep 5 http://www.mediafire.com/download/izn8s7is8gl6pvp/Sh%2An+POT+OVA+5.avi
ep 6 http://www.mediafire.com/download/m63382x8xa7gnx0/New+Prince+of+Tennis+OVA+06%285%29.mp4
What about 1-4? Without them, there’s not much we can do (not promising we’re picking this up, btw).
ep 3 http://www.mediafire.com/download/444lflokk6m044z/New+Prince+Of+Tennis+OVA+3.avi
ep 4 ep 4 http://www.mediafire.com/download/b860o4jb7ady2vb/NPOT_OVA4.f4v
ep 7 ep 7 http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=451202&uk=1460304791
ok , ep 1 and 2 already sub by 2se sub but they did not update since then. >__<
ep 3 http://www.mediafire.com/download/444lflokk6m044z/New+Prince+Of+Tennis+OVA+3.avi
ep 4 http://www.mediafire.com/download/b860o4jb7ady2vb/NPOT_OVA4.f4v
ep 7 http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=451202&uk=1460304791
*If* we do these pot oavs, we’ll do all, not 3-7…
ah ok,, sorry >_<
ep 1 http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=311644
The quality is shitty. Looks like bad TV-raws.
Also, this isn’t the projects page, and you could have put all links in one post…
When is the anohana movie going to be done?
When it’s done!
I’m really glad to be one of your fan!
you are the best
anyway I have a suggestion could you translate Kaiketsu Zorro since it no one translating it I think 1 team translated 5 eps until now but they stopped after that
hope I’m not bother you at all from my suggestion!
“If you are going to suggest a series that we could potentially sub, at least be able to provide either translations or raws. We don’t have an infinite amount of staff, and chances are we already have projects of our own which we plan to sub.”
It’s fine juggen
I found the DVD Raw
anyway it’s up to you I don’t wanna bother you
best of luck
May I request subbing “Time Travel Tondekeman!”, please?
Thank you….
the raw videos for Time Travel Tondekeman!
I know this is not the place, but I couldn’t help read the request to sub The New Prince of Tennis OVAs. I have the raws, bluray rips, and they have been sitting here as I scour the web looking for ages looking for anyone to sub and release them.
If you guys ever find the time, please, I beg, kindly sub this series.
Kindest Regards,
Hey Shezie, do you have an anidb link to this? It’d better if we could get our hands on the blu-rays ourselves. Having said that, though, I and a translator are probably the only ones wanting to sub this.
There’re six specials come with New Prince of Tennis OVAs but you have seven eps here, dunno why but I think these ovas are related to last PoT here —> http://anidb.net/a8601
sorry for two replies .. just did fast search and found this
The rips are fine, sangofe.
Your first link is the cr subbed series, ninja.
They’re specials of that series come in each blu-Ray set.
I saw you got the link. If there’s anything else I can help you with, let me know. I have 0 experience fan subbing, but if I have to get my hands dirty, I will in any way possible.
Someone released ep 1 and 2 and there is a private release of episode 3. But all subs on this series has completely stalled.
They are in french and portugese. lol
2SE-subs released episodes 1 and 2 in English. I was able to acquire that in November of last year. And someone named Shuukei released episode 3. I found her on tumblr. You have to join and PM her for a link to download it. She says she’s to busy right now to work on the others. Let me know if you want a copy of those and I’ll upload em.
Shezie :
I would love it if you could link me to where I can download the third episode of the specials, please?
Are you going to sub the new ‘New Prince of Tennis OVA’ that is being released this yr ??
I would love it if you guys subbed it :)))
I cant find anywhere else who is subbing it
hi, I see lots of ppl asking if ur going to sub new PoT ova series/older specials and i see u seem interested and i just wanted to throw in my ‘request’ for this to be done as well if you dont mind.
Ive been looking around for a few months for it and i found that a lot of sites seem to have rly good quality raws up but no one is subbing them =\
So if u wouldnt mind or r interested in that i just wanted to request it since i think a lot of other ppl might also be interested in watching ^^ thank you!
Where can I find the mkv versions of the first 31 episodes of Captain Tsubasa the first series?
They were released in one format by Frenchies-subs which is AVI hardsubbed.
By any chance do you still have the translated subs?
i dont know why ppl ask for requests/subs/etc on a rules page?? its actually kind of mind blogging/head splitting. please guys do respect the guys here at Saizen, the rules page is strictly meant for “Rules” discussion, NOTHING else. understand that the Saizen guys do have their own lives to take care of. please give them their due respect. thank you all.
I asked because I am an anime translator as well on a romanian fansub and I can’t find a mkv version for those episodes. If I intruded in some way, I apologise.
No offence taken, but he’s right – the Projects page is probably the best place to suggest new projects and things like that.
As to your question, I think we only distributed the finished articles for Frenchies-Subs (if we stuck them on bots at all). We’re not actually affiliated with them so we never had any of the files in the first place. Your only real bet for it is dling the AVI releases and using an OCR on them – they’re surprisingly sophisticated now. I think we used one on that Yawara re-issue of episode 1 we did and that turned out all right
Sorry we couldn’t be of any more help, Voikus, but good luck with your fansubs!
Thanks for the suggestions and good luck as well.
1. Don’t ask about progress on project xy; we’re not some licensing company who holds back distribution of episodes for increased profit margins — we’ll get the eps out to you as soon as they are DONE. <– But what if we secretly are? We be Harmony Silver, Inc. but just incognito.
2. Stop asking if projects are dropped; we will announce if we’re no longer working on a project. <– But what if someone asks if a project is semi-dropped? lol
3. If you don’t like the speed or the effort we’re putting into our fansubs, then just don’t download them. <– Or better yet, help us out!
4. Stay on-topic when you are posting. Project requests don’t go under Playback Help. <– Staying on topic is so 1990s. lmao
5. Don’t be a jerk. <– But friendly "jabbing" and witty sarcasm is AOK.