Kuroko’s Basketball – Would You Like to Chat OVA [Blu-Ray]

And a great big Merry Christmas to one and all out there as another year winds down. Here’s the Kuroko Season 2 Fan Disc OVA, “Would You Like to Chat,” otherwise known as “oshaberi demo shimasen ka” in Japanese. We will be doing the extras on this disc like we did around this time last year with the Season 1 Fan Disc.

Once again, kokujin-kun translated the Fan Disc (Big thanks!), sangofe timed, Your_Mom gave you a gift taking care of the encoding, and I did whatever else 😉

I hope everyone’s having a nice Christmas and I might be back with some more stuff later today… you never know… Ho ho ho!


Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_Would_You_Like_To_Chat_OVA_[720p][Blu-Ray][93902733].mkv
MD5: d8b2dce021a5ee07fc66f42f94b249e5

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_Would_You_Like_To_Chat_OVA_[1080p][Blu-Ray][CFE2EE6D].mkv
MD5: 639ac18465282d8889f920c80c137fd6

Laughing Salesman – 25

Don’t be mopey like this guy, cause I got some news. Laughing Salesman will have a modern anime remake/reimagining in April, 2017. I hope CR picks it up. As always, this release was brought to you by us and our friends at Live-eviL.

News Source: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20161215-00000348-oric-ent

Magnet URI[Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_25_[DVD][10bit][5054AD87].mkv
MD5: e41039bc72ff744a7c734ed12c937477


Kuroko’s Basketball – 52 + S3 Vol 1 Bloopers

And a happy Sunday to everyone out there as we move on to another week. Here’s Kuroko’s Basketball 52….. AND the Season 3 Volume 1 Bloopers clips for you as we kick off another December!

Check it out as Kise goes up against the man he replaced in the Teiko Middle School basketball club’s starting lineup, Haizaki Shogo. What’s his deal and what is he all about? Watch the ep, find out, and then check out the Bloopers volume for some laughs.


PS. We’re still looking for the BDs for Volumes 3-9 for this Season as well as a new 1080p qc’er to finish off this season with us.

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_52_[720p][Blu-Ray][31D480CC].mkv
MD5: 5a4bd97a3a86aa618c6fb8ccfa41a060

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_52_[1080p][Blu-Ray][1C112EB7].mkv
MD5: ea818becde61299addcefd669ccecab0

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_Bloopers_S3_Vol_1_[720p][9C435FAB].mkv
MD5: 36dfd13e824fd635f1e483dd6e5c9b5f

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_Bloopers_S3_Vol_1_[1080p][E366066D].mkv
MD5: 0b7436548d5f7af0ed5f0720fafda5c1

Mitsuwano (Three Rings)

We here at Saizen (along with our best buds, Ruri) present a bit of a change of pace from our usual sports-heavy release schedule to bring you Mitsuwano (Three Rings), a one-shot slice of life story about Mai, Midori, and Riko – three girls who are training to be maiko, which are considered to be apprentice geiko (the Kyoto equivalent of geisha). We hope you enjoy this brief glimpse into a section of Japanese culture that’s otherwise glossed over in anime, with a side helping of angst as the girls find out that the world of the geiko is just as competitive as any other.

And a few cultural notes to help you understand some of the finer points of the geiko world: Girls training to be maiko and geiko live in an okiya (a boarding house) run by a proprietress with the title “okaa-san” (Lit: “Mother”), which is a little confusing in this anime because the Mother of this particular boarding house is Riko’s biological grandmother. But the okiya is a tight-knit, familial environment in general, meaning that being related doesn’t elevate you above your “sisters and you are expected to perform the same chores, such as preparing meals, doing the laundry, and cleaning the boarding house. It’s also important to note that the anime takes place in Kyoto, which has its own dialect characterized by its politeness and modesty, to the point where it’s viewed as boorish for a native of Kyoto to use standard phrases instead of their Kyoto equivalents. This polite streak extends as far as calling the stove “Mr. Stove”, so if you’re wondering why everyone’s talking like they’re from a forgotten age, that’s why.

So without further ado, step into the colorful world of the geiko and the apprentices working their way up the chain to be seen as true daughters of Kyoto!

Magnet URI[Ruri-Saizen] Mitsuwano (Three Rings) [BD][720p][7DE477DE].mkv
MD5: f95de203b8d34f00026587ac35055ed1

Magnet URI[Ruri-Saizen] Mitsuwano (Three Rings) [BD][1080p][71ADB517].mkv
MD5: b41f2c404e16bc2565446a5e49c4da56

Kuroko’s Basketball – Complete S2 Batch

Hey, sup? Been waiting for Kuroko’s Basketball S2 Blu-Ray batch? Good news. Here it is.

It is a quick batch that was made to collate Kuroko S2 on Blu-Ray in 720p & 1080p respectively. There were no corrections made to any of the files in this batch. It is just to make things simpler for everyone. The batch includes episodes 26-50 (including 41.5) as well as the 9 S2 blooper volumes.

I will probably make corrections and release a complete series batch after the completion of S3, but that’s off in the horizon for the moment. We do also have plans to do the S2 fan disc currently, so you can look forward to that.

On a related topic, we are still looking for the volumes 3-9 Blu-Rays for S3. If you come across them, please give us a heads up.

Cheers, and enjoy the anime.

One more season to go!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_[Complete_720p_S2_Blu-Ray_Collection]
MD5: n/a

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_[Complete_1080p_S2_Blu-Ray_Collection]
MD5: n/a