Laughing Salesman Special 2 (Parts A and B)

Cause we felt like it, we did this special (albeit out of order), but the theme is pretty relevant to us fansubbers (obsession over a hobby), and the fact it’s also a sports-related special is also a bonus. Joint with Live-eviL.

CCCP icon[Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_-_Special_02A_[DVD][10bit][E51AF5A2].mkv
MD5: e5a3d26daeee438d3ebe0dd41a5edcee

CCCP icon[Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_-_Special_02B_[DVD][10bit][67129F1C].mkv
MD5: 2f61d8f9822246d4479990b8cd0cd68c

Major Season 1 – 09-11 720p

Hey, everyone. It’s been a while. Here are the next 3 eps of Major Season 1 for you!

Episode 11 has a whole bunch of Earthquake warning text in Japanese throughout the episode. Sorry, can’t do anything about it that I’m willing to do, lol.

Anyway, happy birthday to me! Enjoy!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Major_Season_1_-_09_[720p][2796914A].mkv
MD5: 39cfa74e035122ed50cca402d54bb265

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Major_Season_1_-_10_[720p][AEBDFED8].mkv
MD5: 1bab10d83489bf10733cb4091ab1b15f

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Major_Season_1_-_11_[720p][70328EE7].mkv
MD5: e38f1dc970b1b4d791bdd6631a47e782

Attack on Titan OVA 4-5 (No Regrets)

It’s been a long road in completing these last two OVAs (to the point that even the official subs came out before us), but we were not gonna let all this effort go to waste. So at long last, it’s finished. Big special thanks to the original translator and translation checker involved (ya’ll know who you are) in the first couple of, a certain Strayan who translated OVA 5 and  tenkenX6 for TL checking these last two OVAs. FD for editing the songs and doing METICULOUS QC of my editing, I am not worthy (orz). Big shout-outs to konnakude, sangofe, and Juggen for qcing as well, and to Treize and HeavenlyArmed for passing along their karaoke from Lag-Taka (RIP). Who’s hyped for season 2 in the spring (to watch ofc)?

OVA 4 MD5:  0fe13de6bdf1652abc5b9b241745818b

OVA 5 MD5: cece94241a13bd2161abd5f23822514e

Magnet URIShingeki no Kyojin OVA 4-5 (No Regrets) [Saizen-Soldado]
MD5: check above


Dr Slump – The Dragon Ball Episodes – PV

What’s this? A new show from Saizen? A show that’s 74 episodes long?! Don’t worry, Saizen fans, we haven’t lost our minds – we’ve decided to sub only the crossover episodes where a certain tailed child turns up in Penguin Village in search of an orb with stars on it and as much food as he can wolf down. Yes, Goku meets Arale and all her friends in a four-episode extravaganza of thrills, spills, and flying clouds. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!

We don’t usually release PVs, but the team behind this project decided we wanted to do the preview from episode 55 so consider this a taste of things to come and watch this space for Goku and Arale flexing their sizable muscles.

Magnet URI[Saizen] Dr Slump - The Dragon Ball Episodes - PV [0D53C50B].mkv
MD5: caab1b3bb27e70fc3ade77f7abbcd3b7