Igano Kabamaru – 23-24 & Batch

And so, a year and a half after we released the first episode, here is the finale of Igano Kabamaru. And as you can see, it’s all a bit silly, but all your faves are in there, including some unlikely cameos. As this is the last episode, we have to do the usual credits to highlight everyone who has made this project possible:

Translators: Kazuki“ (1-4), Saizen (5-24)
Translation Checkers: kokujin-kun, TenkenX6
Timers: Juggen (1-14,23), sangofe (15-22), KmE (24)
Editor: FalseDawn
QC: Juggen, sangofe, it06128, CP, sportsrmyname, Rosti, Calan (many moons ago)
Encoder: Edward_K

So, this is Saizen signing off on another completed series. We hope you enjoyed the ride!

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Igano Kabamaru – 22

“Hey, it’s Mai here. Yeah, I’m great, thanks. Did you get those pictures I sent? Yeah, I’ve always wanted to do some glamor modeling, because everyone keeps telling me I’ve got the figure for it. What’s that? Adult scenes? What would that include? Well, I suppose… big bucks, you say? Well, how can a girl say no? That’s a rather… odd title, though. Why does it have “ass” in it? Well, thank you, I’ve always thought mine was particularly shapely. Okay, we’ll talk more about it over lunch – in your studio? That’s a strange place to have lunch… but okay. See you later.”

The following is a video taken several hours later by a Mr. C. Morflange and distributed widely on the internet:

P.S. This ep is where the action really starts!
<FalseDawn> OH MAN
<FalseDawn> igano gets serious in this episode
<FalseDawn> i just had to use thought style for two of his lines!
<FalseDawn> shit’s going down

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Prince of Tennis Another Story II – 01

It’s the grande finale!
Again with the typical stall for weeks, but… eventually we managed to work around it somehow. ^^
Hopefully the rest of the episodes will get out in a relatively good pace… No promises.

Also, don’t forget to visit Ryugan and say hi. 🙂

And with this I’d like to say: thanks for watching, keep tuning in, do apply as a recruit, happy Easter, and hope you had a good time! ^_^
Also, thanks everyone that worked your asses off this past week(s) to get these releases done! =3

Ashita no Joe – 31-32 & Batch

Been some time… :/
I wish this project would go at full speed, but all projects don’t get the same magical treatment as Yawara, for example. ^^
At least there’s some progress, episode 33 isn’t all that far away, and you also get another batch. 🙂
Till next time!

Don’t forget to visit Hokuto no Gun.

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