We Need Your DVDs & Blurays!
Have you ever wondered how Saizen manages to maintain such high quality in everything it does? Not just the translation, editing and typesetting, but also the marvellous encodes our encoders pump out on a regular basis – well, it doesn’t just happen by accident. We have some very skilled people working on our subs for you to enjoy, but there are, naturally, issues with trying to maintain such a high level of quality. No matter how good the encoder, they can only wow us with their wizardry if they have a good source to work with.
Without getting into the nitty gritty of encoding (which I only have a vague idea about at best!), the best sources of raw video we use are in the form of DVDISOs (for DVDs) and BDMVs (for Blurays). This does leave us in a bit of a dilemma when the only raws available for some of the older shows we do are, by our standards, subpar.
This is where you guys come in. If you have any of the following shows on DVDs/Blurays or know where to find links to the DVDISOs/BDMVs, we would be interested in having these video sources, because A) it’s a lot easier/cheaper than buying our own and B) it makes it a lot easier to get a team interested in a new project if we have a suitable video source available.
The DVDISOs/BDMVs we’re currently trying to track down:
- Ketsuinu
Please note, only DVDISOs and BDMVs will be considered. If the format is any different, we are unlikely to accept it. If you have the DVDs/Blurays in question, please gatecrash #saizen on the Rizon IRC network so that we can use it to stick some awesome English subs on them. They must all contain Japanese Audio and where possible, be free of any hardsubbed non-Japanese typesetting (If the source is good or the only one available due to all others going out of print, we may overlook this). We are also looking for COMPLETE SERIES unless vol. numbers are specifically stated. We can’t start a series with only the first volume of DVDs after all!
So get rooting through those DVD and Bluray collections ^__^
HOW-TO GUIDE: For any of you looking to rip a DVD for us, AMS has kindly put together a how-to guide to show you how. If you want to rip Blurays for us, this guide will show you how.
Last updated 02/02/2020
Someone, there are Italian DVDs.
So where KKOW, Johnny.
Tiger Mask might not be considered anymore btw, or at least not atm, as the person most interested is busy irl.
Hey guys.
I think you guys should consider to sub BoBoBo, since it´s a great anime and there isnt any subbed anywhere on the internet. Well, some guys are subbing it, but they kinda stopped, so you can take the chance to sub it.
If you guys want to start it, those guys at hokutonogun(dot)com have the raw episodes!
Did you see how slow most projects already are, Nivy?
Nivy, http://www.hokutonogun.com is currently subbing BoBoBo.
Yeah, which makes it an absolute no in that case, since they’ve been subbing partners with us for a few years now and are nice guys.
Also, I don’t know if you’ll read this, but we haven’t stopped Bo-bobo. We’ve stalled due to a lack of staff (translation checker, specifically). We have every intention of finishing it, and I think it’s incredibly rude to go around to other groups who are busy enough with their own projects, and offer them a series that we’re working on and want to finish but can’t at the moment. It would be one thing to try helping us find a translation checker, but asking other groups and assuming that we’ll give them the raws (which we won’t) is ridiculous.
lmao, you gotta sorta respect the utter balls it takes to do that though. I mean, they had to realize we’d find out who it is that is subbing it, check it out, and probably speak directly to them before starting anything and yet they still tried. I mean, it’s either some gargantuan balls or otherworldly stupidity. I prefer not to look down on people, so I figured they just have a huge sack.
And, yeah, completely rude af.
Here’s a classic anime that’s in need of fansubbing
PLEASE Make it happen!
Hi, could you please sub the last season of legend of the condor hero?
Hi, fellas!
i’ve discover your page recently, so i got some suggestion.
Toshi Gordian (Gordian Warrior)
Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (Samurai Pizza Cats)
Star Musketeer Bismarck (saber rider ant the star sheriff)
well feel free to pick one!!!
Or feel free not to pick anything. Seriously, folks, do you look at release rates at total of projects we’ve got? Also, since when did this become a thread to suggest projects?
Read this part, especially:
“If you have any of the following shows on DVDs/Blurays or know where to find links to the DVDISOs/BDMVs, we would be interested in having these video sources, because A) it’s a lot easier/cheaper than buying our own and B) it makes it a lot easier to get a team interested in a new project if we have a suitable video source available.”
Have you ever wondered how Saizen manages to maintain such high quality in everything it does? Not just the translation, editing and typesetting, but also the marvellous encodes our encoders pump out on a regular basis – well, it doesn’t just happen by accident. We have some very skilled people working on our subs for you to enjoy, but there are, naturally, issues with trying to maintain such a high level of quality. No matter how good the encoder, they can only wow us with their wizardry if they have a good source to work with.
Without getting into the nitty gritty of encoding (which I only have a vague idea about at best!), the best sources of raw video we use are in the form of DVDISOs (for DVDs) and BDMVs (for Blurays). This does leave us in a bit of a dilemma when the only raws available for some of the older shows we do are, by our standards, subpar.
This is where you guys come in. If you have any of the following shows on DVDs/Blurays or know where to find links to the DVDISOs/BDMVs, we would be interested in having these video sources, because A) it’s a lot easier/cheaper than buying our own and B) it makes it a lot easier to get a team interested in a new project if we have a suitable video source available.
Robert, Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (Samurai Pizza Cats) is on DVD by Discotek and has been available for over 2 years that way.
Star Musketeer Bismarck DVDs are available on ADC.
Of course, I know you’ve got a lot of projects, but it’s just to say good sources are available.
Gonna be honest here, people. The chances we sub any of the stuff you’re suggesting is worse than one in a million.
I have a couple years of subbing in backlog to do as does pretty much everyone in Saizen.
Of course I know it.^^
Actually, for Bismarck, I’d rely more on Discotek Media to release it (with Saber Ride).
Cool, just laying our cards down and making things clear. Feel free to request whatever you want, but there’s very little chance of anything actually happening.
Attack on Titan: No Regrets OAD 2 R2J DVD is on ADC. Do you still need it ?
Please do the last 2 Ocha-Ken animes
The first one was subbed but the last 2 weren’t due to oversight
Ocha-Ken: Hotto Monogatari: https://solarisjapan.com/products/ocha-ken-ho-to-monogatari
Ocha-Ken: Ryokutto Monogatari: http://tinyurl.com/zs3oqpy
Hello! I know, wrong place/wrong post, but is there any chance to translate the OVA : DRIFTERS Special edition?
can you sub Ganbare, Kickers?
Hello guys! I read the comment in MAL about Uchuu Kyoudai: Number Zero that you haven’t found any RAW of the movie since you want to sub it. I found a special edition of DVD of it with 720×480 resolution and only 439mb. It’s better than nothing since there’s still no RAW out there. If ever you’re interested, you can download it and use it as RAW. Here’s the link
I’m pretty sure you already know about this RAW of Uchuu Kyoudai #0 but posting it anyway.
Thanks, but as you’d suspect, we wouldn’t go for the DVD when there’s a much superior source out there on BD.
Because you are subbing a few sport animes, can I kindly ask, is it possible to sub the Haikyuu OVAs? Sadly I don’t have the raws, so this is just a question.
Hello Dear Saizen members!
Thank you a lot for your distribution to the world of anime’s fans. I cant express my gratitude to what you have done for people like me.
I have one question i would love to ask which is that can you please do some subbing for Young Black Jack?
I found out the other groups gave not sufficiently good enough subtitles and they had no karaoke subbing.
Can you give this series a consideration? It has 12 episodes in total.
I have access to the RAWs in Japanese.
Anyway, thank you for your kindness and precious time.
Fernandoribeiromoc : thanks for the praise but taking on another project… I don’t think that’s possible.
Annactor: thanks but we already have bought the BD thanks to kind donators
new RAW for uchuu kyoudai
or this
good 4 u guys
uchuu kyoudai RAWs
good 4 u guys
And same to Leviathan13… I mean, look at all our projects and see how many are healthy?
Please consider Space Brother 1080p for BD release.
Already working on that, Ippo.
Guys, just a question, will you be doing Major 720p all seasons or just the first one?
Another quick question, will you be doing Ookiku Furikabutte S1 and S2 blurays at any point?
No idea, OccultDrifter. There’s a lot of translating and making subs between here and there. If I had to guess, I’d say no to both…
But you never know, lol.
But You already have subbed it.
You just need to re-time it, right(Apart from getting the RAWS/BDMVs for the series)?
Short answer:
No, there’s a lot more to it than that.
Longer answer:
I don’t have the scripts anymore and it was hardsubbed. That show was done prior to the adoption of softsubbing via the mkv container in the fansub scene.
So to begin with, the subs would at the very least need to be OCR’d, then checked to fix the inherent errors that occur in the OCR process. The op/ed karaokes and all the typesetting would need to get redone as well.
Thing is, the reason I’d redo the season 2 subs is because I’d fix the translation as well. I was not the translator when we did season 2. I did not know Japanese then. I was the editor and became the project leader near the end of the season. I have heard from numerous people over the years (some of whom were translators whose opinions I respect) about issues with the translation quality of that season in particular. So if I was to do it, I’d redo the entire thing essentially from scratch. There really is a big difference in not only me and the skills I’ve learned since then, but the quality of fansubs in general since those subs were made.
There are a few more technical sub and best available raw related reasons for the extra work as well. Needless to say, it’s a much bigger job than you were presenting it as. And that’s another point. We’re Saizen here. We don’t simply retime subs usually. It’s not our thing. It’s not mine. For example, I have no interest in making new season 3 subs. I’m much happier with the quality of the subs for that season, and it would be much easier to redo than season 2 for me.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to undermine your hard work.
Will await further releases from Saizen.
Thanks for the awesome Kuroko no Basket and Major releases!
It’s cool. I didn’t think you were trying to be a dick. I just think you don’t understand subbing and what goes into it.
Actually I do quite a bit of subbing myself but only only for the series which either have only PGS/DVD(VOBSUB)/SRT Subs or if I am not able to find any subs at all.
But I can in no way compare that to the awesome work Saizen has been doing for the past decade.
The only reason I asked about Major and Oofuri is because I already have the earlier Saizen release for the series and was thinking of putting it on a BD for storage purpose, but if you(Saizen) is planning on releasing the series in higher quality, I might as well wait.
Lastly, I apologize if any of my comments were out of line.
As a big fan of sports based anime I know how much Saizen means to all of us.
Gintama complete series in BD 1080p. I know what I have requested is a mammoth work but still I request you guys. Even if it takes 5 years,still I think it is worth of it.
Kenshin, you’re kidding, right?
well i know what i requested is very difficult to complete.but still I think for gintama this much difficulty can be taken. Again there many anime of 150+ epi have BD 1080p releases. For example HxH, Ranma. Overall, its upto Saizen who is gonna decide but i requested coz I have been looking BD 1080 for long time. Releasing 300+ epi in BD1080 is highly cumbersome, I know that. But within next few years, this wont be a considerable matter.
I don’t see it happening. Saizen struggles to keep a normal length series going so there’s not really any appetite for a show as long and complicated – after all, it’s not just a case of knowing Japanese but being immersed in the vastness of Japanese culture to get all the references right. I don’t know of any major fans in our group either, so I’m 99.9% sure that it’ll never happen. Sorry, Kenshin.
Speak for yourself, Falsedawn. I’m on that once I’ve finished up all of Sazae-san
Are you serious, AMS? All of Gintama?
I doubt I could finish Sazae-san before I die.
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Season 2 + Kagaijugyou-hen (extra episodes). Raws: http://arearaw.com/bdrb-%E6%9A%97%E6%AE%BA%E6%95%99%E5%AE%A4-%E7%AC%AC2%E6%9C%9F-ansatsu-kyoushitsu-second-season-arearaw-41-55g/
Saizen: Tiger Mask, Box Set 2 is now on ADC.
We already have them since 2014, thanks.
Tiger Mask (1969)
Raws: https://mega.nz/#F!wVYWlLYY!5EsoI5qA96aNv6nTLd0tgQ
Tiger Mask Nisei (1981)
Raws: https://mega.nz/#F!wIhEWazC!oiwBhl3ujgwc9_44OkgGDA
This raws are kinda rare hehehe
no one in the internet ever subbed these series
It is being worked on. It’s at me… again. Almost done. Please stop asking. It bums me out.
Hey guys! Have you heard about Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai? It’s an old school comedy anime. I know you already have a big plate of projects but also this anime doesn’t seem to have raws of any sort…
For anyone who may be interested, all 3 BD boxsets for the anime “Oishinbo” are on ADC.
Captain Tsubasa entire series 1986 and 2002 in MKV format in a single Torrent.
Will happen once the series is finished, but you can get ct2002 here https://nyaa.si/view/923684
There is new German BD version of all the 128 episodes in ADC,but its German the quality seems pretty good, i don’t know if you can sync japanese audio to it though.
Madhu : that version is super ugly upscales that look like someone made a painting with few colors of the art.
can i request some anime to be subtitled?
You can request, Dnl, but be aware, we’re pretty busy with everything we’re already doing. But you may get lucky if the suggestion piques our collective interest.
Just dropping a little request here: finishing Major.
No biggie if you can’t though. It’s just that I can’t seem to find any 720p english-subbed versions out there.
No need for giving my personal reasons for this request, since it’s not what you’ve read this for.
As much as we’d dearly love to continue on with Major S1 and Kuroko S3, the guy who was the main driving force behind both shows has taken an extended period out from fansubbing and we don’t know when/if he’ll be back. And it’s not quite a one-man effort, but it’s pretty close, so he’s not someone we can just replace on either series.
Probably not the answer you wanted to hear, but there it is.
just found Ketsuinu
seems that yesasia is selling the Jap version
Noted for future reference, but we’ll probably hold off on buying anything because we don’t have a ready-made team for it (and we’re all pretty busy in Saizen right now with all the things we’ve got on the go) – though if someone has bought the DVD already, we’d definitely grab the ISO off you so we have it if we ever do want to do it.
Seeing as how you guys have picked up Captain Tsubasa from Frenchies, when they got out of fansubbing, is there a chance you might do the same thing for Shin Captain Tsubasa? Though an attempt to finish the remaining ten episodes has been made by a guy on Youtube, that version is almost comically bad. So, you’d best start over from scratch. Also, since I happen to own the official Japanese DVDs, I could provide you with the ISOs if you don’t already have them.
Unless lots of new enthusiastic staff join (which is very unlikely we’ve had less than one new recruit a year these last couple of years) there’s no bloody way in hell Saizen will subtitle Captain Tsubasa again. Try your luck with CTF.
By the way, Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai is available on nyaa now
and its very good anime without eng translate
the raw is very good to : https://nyaa.si/view/1108835
Even if it’s a good show, that episode count is daunting. I don’t think we could assemble a group to take on such a long series, TBH.
how about Meimon! Daisan Yakyuubu
cool anime
no subtitles for now
Appreciate all your hard work on Captain Tsubasa, sadly I can see my favourite Captain Tsubasa J is not fully translated. I finally managed to get a hold of the DVDs for all episodes. Since episodes 35-47 are already translated, would you be interested in working on eps 1-34?
If Kyo Kara Maoh! is of interest to you, I own the complete JDM BD release.
Problem is official Funimation translation is far from proper, especially since meaning Maoh in Japanese is not correlates to Devil in English.
Shinsen fansub did main episodes quite well, but not certain that scripts are possible to obtain.
If you’re still active and want to do this anime, contact me.