Time for Cabbage to suit up and get a job. B)
Category: Releases
Ookiku Furikabutte S2 – 10
Episode 10 is finally out after a long wait. All thanks goes to Collectr, who stepped in to help us finish this since our last editor was unable to…
Episode 11 is at RC1 and, from what I’ve heard, Episode 12-13 have been edited, but not yet uploaded! YAY! =)
Anyway, feels good to finally be able to finish this series that from the start was supposed to have weekly releases… yeah, right. 😛
Update: All remaining eps at QC! Collectr ftw!

MD5: F60FAB9A2E1575E7A3374D7479D7861B
Igano Kabamaru – 03
And so, here’s another dose of everyone’s favourite hungry ninja, Kabamaru, who seems to have rediscovered his love of yakisoba (a fried noodle dish usually flavoured with vegetables like cabbage or carrots). Meanwhile, at Kingyoku Academy, not everything is as it seems, and it appears that it’s more than just mere bullies who are out to get our hero. Will Kabamaru put down his chopsticks for long enough to even notice those plotting against him?
EDIT: You will notice the audio is pretty poor at some places, but it’s in the original raw, so there’s nothing we can do about it. – Juggen
Last chance for Joe. The finale of this arc.
The Kabocha Wine – 07
Time for birthday celebrations, and with that birthday presents. But with part-time jobs strictly forbidden, how do you afford that shiny new accessory? Squad Leader shows the spirit!