Category: Releases
Captain Tsubasa (Road to 2002) – 20
So apparently the joint is off because SD isn’t helping out anymore or some shit, and apparently you can still look forward to more episodes, and apparently I don’t really know a shit, I’m just writing this news post.

MD5: 970132BE1531BBC5068D3B267C4E4BE6
Unlike Rosti, I’m more into rainbows, and as you might have guessed, this episode is about Turtle. =)
Episode 24 will be out soon(?), but episode 25 and 26 will probably take a while since staff are busy with life and shit.
Koe de Oshigoto – 01
After massive stalling the first episode is finally out! Not like it really matters, since by the looks of it, this show will be released with about the same speed as Hellsing Ultimate, so it’s next to impossible not being able to keep up with it.
Unless you’ve got something against borderline hentai shows, please enjoy.
PS. Yes, we know that the 1080p is an upscale. If you don’t like that, don’t download it.
Slam Dunk – 23-24
So, Rukawa is pissed, want to find out why? No? Sure you do, the links are down below. =)
On a more serious note, I plan to drop/stall this after episode 26, make a batch, work on some other shows, and hopefully continue this in a not too distant future.
It won’t be as Saizen then, though. No hard feelings, m’kay? We did our best up to this point.
Thanks for understanding.