So it’s finally happened: Igano has regressed into a monkey. He spends this episode picking bugs out of Mai’s hair and hunting for bananas, while attempting to conjure up a cloud to float about on.
Thanks to everyone for being so patient with us in waiting for this episode to come out – due to the difficulty of certain sections, a lot of head-scratching was done before we could produce anything even remotely resembling a translation. Extra kudos (with cherries on top) go to the following people:
- arsmagna for his help in identifying the passages of text the students read out in class.
- sangofe and his French contacts for help with the delicacies.
- the collective might (and uber researching skills) of umai and ANBU who also aided us with naming the delicacies.
Fingers crossed that the next episode is a mite easier so that it doesn’t take another three month slog to bring you guys another release!