[19:09] (Collectr) Take it away, Sqall-san
[19:26] (limpakos) mhm I second that ^^
[19:30] * Sqall pretends to shoot the ball but lets it through to Juggen
[19:32] (Sqall) creating the perfect shooting chance for Juggen. now its one on one with the keeper
[19:34] (Sqall) but Juggen is absendminded, so Sqall takes the ball back and goes to mux it
[19:34] * limpakos wears his referee shirt and whistles offside...
[19:35] (Sqall) aww
[19:39] (Sqall) the opposing teamis keaping the ball tightly for the next for minutes (downloading)
[19:39] (Sqall) four*
[19:40] * limpakos raises the yellow...
[19:40] (Sqall) but what is this?!? the ref is being ignored
[19:41] (Sqall) oh no. they finally noticed it and gave the ballback. but its all the way back near our keaper
[19:44] (Sqall) oh what is this? Sqall shoots the ball directly from his goal line
[19:45] (Sqall) but its a slow and high shot. it'll take 50minutes for it to reach the other side of the field
[20:04] (Juggen) shall I mux it?
[20:04] (Juggen) Sqall
[20:05] (Juggen) guess u have hours left of uppin'? =)
[20:05] (Sqall) 30mins eta. up to you
[20:05] (Juggen) meh then
[20:05] (Sqall) if you want to interepc my shot
[20:05] (Juggen) I do it in 5 though
[20:05] (Juggen) lol
[20:05] (Sqall) intercept*
[20:05] (Juggen) k, I'll up it
15 minutes later…
Also threw out a batch for easier distribution etc.