Yawara – 04 & 05 (BD)


Taking care of a bit of a backlog that’s been sitting at QC for a few months. =)
Also, would like to welcome Ironman to the team. So please give him a warm welcome, maybe he can help the project get a bit smoother.
And no, we ain’t gonna fill the first page with Beast Saga like a certain someone has suggested.  😛

Also, don’t forget to visit Frostii and Live-eviL!

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_004_[720p][Blu-Ray][B18695EF].mkv
MD5: 3825999884033e0b1eb5020ae86ccd12

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_005_[720p][Blu-Ray][155E91A5].mkv
MD5: 16f19cdc3fd478aa2e9d040de4e9646a

Yawara – 01-02 (BD)


Yawara is back, this time in sweet high definition! We previously released the first episode, but this time looking better than ever as we also added karaokes for them extra swag points. ^^ This time around, every episode will also have proper typesetting made compared to the somewhat lazy approach with the DVDs. ^^ So soon(TM) you’ll have the complete series in real high quality. 😉

Also, don’t forget to visit Frostii and Live-eviL!

Ep1 Patch
Ep2 Patch

CCCP icon[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_001_[720p][Blu-Ray][DD22CE97]
MD5: ba70665f7459494322caa61f07f65aea

CCCP icon[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_002_[720p][Blu-Ray][65D85771]
MD5: c1f8f6f7b3b75b4ec3b906112db94d79

Yawara – Extra

I bet you all thought it was over! Well, It’s not!
Just kidding, this is actually more of a documentary, which you probably already figured out by seeing the picture. The right-most person is the VA of our beloved Yawara. =)
And apparently, today is the 10th anniversary since the first episode of Yawara aired on Japanese television. lol

Hope you’ll enjoy it!

CCCP icon[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_Extra_[DVD][BA27028C].mkv
MD5: 241F894788A51CDB7D915A9AE132EF68

Yawara – 119-124 & Batch

We’re finally done making you all wait for this epic conclusion of this epic series! =)
I’d like to thank everyone that contributed to this series, and hope all of you Yawara fans have enjoyed it as much as we have.
The Saizen member that decided to pick this series up, and set the whole joint thing etc. together, was Sqall, and although we don’t know where he disappeared to, I hope he’s been watching our releases too, and is happy that we finally finished it. Live-EviL are probably happier though, considering they’ve been subbing Yawara since 2003… ^^ (Yawara had been licensed until recently though)

FroZen-EviL credits for those who have helped out throughout the way, some more, some less:
Translation: kokujin-kun, Urasawa
Timing: Juggen, kokujin-kun, sangofe
Editing: Collectr, Yoshu-sama
Karaoke Timing/Styling: Juggen
Subtitle Styling: Sqall
Quality Checking: CP, it06128, Juggen, Mamo-chan, kokujin-kun, Rosti, Saji, sangofe, Skr, tlynnec, Yoshu-sama
Encoding: Skr, toster
DVD Provider: CP

You can visit Frostii and Live-eviL through these links. Make sure to at least visit Frostii for a history lesson. 😀