Another double release, more Yawara, still no AnJ, and so on… ^^
Pray to the gods or something, seems like we could need it. If you plan to whine about it, take a vacation, like Fujiko and Yawara, or were they supposed to be playing at the World Championchips? Yawara is at least, and Master Jigoro seems to be planning something… =)
Category: Yawara
Yawara – 80 & Batch

We’re finally back. With the speed we’ve been going at, you probably started to get worried.
Also included another batch this time, you can download episode 80 from whichever.
Hope you’re all enjoying the show!
Yawara – 78-79

So the new meta is apparently double releases and preferably relatively fast.
Hope you’re enjoying the show, a quick guess is we are. 🙂
Yawara – 76-77

Have another fast release from your favorite triple joint! Actually, have two!
Not sure when the next will be out, but I think we’ve a nice pace going right now. 😛
Yawara – 75

Guess what, we have a shitload of Yawara for you. Epic team making me burned out. ^^;
This episode was actually kind of cute, so nothing for you macho guys out there. But don’t lose hope, in the next episode there will be more of that judo action.
Yawara – 74

Guess what, we have even more Yawara for you. Stupid team really making me work my ass off. ^^;
Honami is in the woods… chopping wood, Jigoro gets sentimental, and Yawara is looking for a job. Everything seems perfectly normal…