Yawara – 104-105

I just realized that we were still doing Ashita no Joe too! Jesus, my absence has really taken its toll on me.
Anyway, have two fresh episodes with your favorite judo girl! Really nice endings in both episodes, especially ep104.
And a tip from yours truly, don’t watch the preview in ep105 if you don’t wanna know how the fight ends. ^^


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Yawara – 102-103

I here present to you… some judo x2! =D Ito has a real tough first match, not due to skill though. ^^ And will Inokuma make it??!!!! (duh)
Now you probably don’t wanna listen to more of my ramblings considering things are starting to get exciting, so go ahead and get your new doses of excuses ala Hagoromo, demonic raging ala Jigoro… and ground slamming Ippon Zeois ala Yawara? πŸ˜€

Also, new OP/ED. Hope you like my karaokes. ^^

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