Well, we’re all done here… Or are we? But as Moguro so poignantly says here, we will likely meet him again in the remaining specials. It’s been pretty darn close to 7 years since we began this one with our friends at Live-eviL, and still we got more work to do, ain’t that like Moguro-san to troll us, right? Enjoy some more dastardly hijinks here. Check out this write-up by series’ editor Collectr here.
Category: Ongoing Projects
Yawara β 47-49 (BD)

I imagine this is the reaction whenever Saizen releases something…
Don’t forget to visit our jointing buddies over at Live-eviL!
MD5: e240978aadc6ff877263ff0571f24b6c
MD5: 17f0a2e9ae43e82ca0022d230ce9d0c0
MD5: 09cb7091bd87382275ccafb40b323eb7
Yawara β 24-43 Batch (BD)

A few new versions, mainly small stuff for archiving purposes. π
Yawara β 44-46 (BD)

Yawara is back! Find out if the World Cup will feature the open-weight class, if Yawara is even going to compete, and why Master Jigoro is wearing panties on his head. π
Patch for v2’s.
MD5: b7cb1059addd3a8a41f0f3a455da5168
MD5: d3a0412ffab52a5268641dea8b5efc3a
MD5: 3162296a31a0d3fbbd3e16d219a63ed5
Baby and Me – 22

Aww, two brothers, Takuya and Minoru…
MD5: b5fdd784b4a5852a8477960901fd41a0
Bad Boys – 03

Helloes! Here comes the next awesome episode where you will find out more about the background of some of the important characters. Weren’t they cute when they were young? π
[Saizen] Bad Boys - 03 [34E04E0D].mkv
MD5: 286cd1354b9bb927961ef1073b09a692