What did I tell ya? 😉
Anyway, now it’s time for Yoshinagawa to burn some fat! Will she make it or does Yawara-san have to say goodbye to Wicked Hedgehog Travel-something?
Category: Ongoing Projects
Yawara – 93
So here’s finally another episode. More will be coming shortly though. How do I know this? I’m the bottleneck.
In courtesy of Juggen.
Yawara – 91-92
So the site is finally back. We actually already released episode 91, but if you didn’t notice already, have a double! ^^
This time around the gang takes a break from judo and enters a swimsuit contests, don’t miss it!
Also, euro cup is on again, and hopefully your teams are doing good unlike poor Sweden, shittiest team ever. >_<
Yawara – 90 & Batch
Time for another episode of your favorite judo girl. Unfortunately, it’s mostly about Jigoro’s past. It’s actually a pretty nice episode though, and you get to know one of his past pupils, the giant Debeso. =)
Yawara – 89
This episode puts a closure to the World Judo Championships in Belgrade. Really nice episode! =3
I still have a hangover since yesterday, so can’t think of anything else to write about, unfortunately… >_>
Yawara – 88
I’d like to make it official. I’ve found a new idol. The Papara Man! The guy is crazy shit.
Check out the latest episode of Yawara, you won’t be disappointed! =)
There’s still one day left of the Saizen Easter Special! 😛