Hello? Saizen speaking. No, we haven’t forgotten Charady and her big book of jokes, we’ve just had a few issues recently. But don’t worry, this is a statement of intent. As long as we’re still alive, this project will carry on rolling along (even if no one’s actually watching it!). Oh, what’s that? Domino’s Pizzas? No, sorry, you’ve got the wrong number.
Category: Ongoing Projects
Kuroko’s Basketball Bloopers Season 1, Volume 3 [Blu-Ray][1080p] & [720p]
Hey, everyone! AMS here with some more Kuroko for you. Since it’s been a while since we’ve finished Volume 3 (Episodes 6-8), we thought we’d get the next bloopers volume up. Enjoy!
Oh, and in case you haven’t heard, a 3rd season of Kuroko was announced this week (confirmation).

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MD5: 57fa846deddcac2274b580596c95b579
Kuroko’s Basketball 10 [Blu-Ray][1080p] and [720p]
Hey everyone, I know it’s not Friday yet, but we had another episode of Kuroko ready for everyone, so here it is. The game versus Seiho reaches its conclusion in this episode. Will Kuroko overcome Tsugawa’s choking defense and help Seirin dethrone the King of the North, Seiho? Grab it quick and find out!

MD5: 2015136b4c89128dc6efa9d2a8d1b999

MD5: 3fb9cc95fc05882f51e2357c3016a350
Baby and Me – 05
Minoru wa shock! Find out why Minoru’s so terrified by watching this exciting episode!
Don’t forget to visit Hybrid-Fansubs!
Kuroko’s Basketball 09 [Blu-Ray][1080p] and [720p]
And another Happy Friday to everyone out there! AMS here with Kuroko’s Basketball ep9 for you 😉 The game against Seiho rages on in this one as Seirin tries to dethrone their first King. The defensive specialists are taking their toll on Seirin and it’s going to be a tight one right until the very end! Enjoy!


Kuroko’s Basketball 08 [Blu-Ray][1080p] and [720p]
Happy Friday, everyone! It’s AMS here again with another episode of Kuroko’s Basketball on Blu-Ray for you. This time it’s episode 8. In this episode, we see the A Block semifinals begin as Seirin takes on Seiho. Grab it quick and Riko’ll give you a kiss!

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