Kuroko’s Basketball – 26

Kurozuka - 26 - BD.1080p [6C4ABA87]_001_3346

And a great big “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey” to everyone out there! I know it’s been a while. Anyway, AMS here with the first exciting episode of Kuroko’s Basketball Season 2 on blu-ray for you 🙂

Season 2 is where I feel this show really picks up some steam and kicks some ass, so I’m really looking forward to doing this season. So tune in and watch the drama unfold as the Seirin High School Basketball club looks to put their mark on the high school basketball scene in Japan. Enjoy!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_26_[720p][Blu-Ray][778C1965].mkv
MD5: aa37cddfd8749fff81456c75f0178e6d

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_26_[1080p][Blu-Ray][AE063FB0].mkv
MD5: 78b8bd5f0f6c2ac8e672e3d9a6db8c9c


Yawara – 04 & 05 (BD)


Taking care of a bit of a backlog that’s been sitting at QC for a few months. =)
Also, would like to welcome Ironman to the team. So please give him a warm welcome, maybe he can help the project get a bit smoother.
And no, we ain’t gonna fill the first page with Beast Saga like a certain someone has suggested.  😛

Also, don’t forget to visit Frostii and Live-eviL!

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_004_[720p][Blu-Ray][B18695EF].mkv
MD5: 3825999884033e0b1eb5020ae86ccd12

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_005_[720p][Blu-Ray][155E91A5].mkv
MD5: 16f19cdc3fd478aa2e9d040de4e9646a

Kuroko’s Basketball – Baka ja Kattenai no yo! OAD (Idiots Never Win!)

kuroko ova - final encode [v2] [3865BE18]_001_18731

Heeeeeeeey, folks! How’s it shaking? The NBA playoffs have started and a new Spring has finally come. With basketball upon us, I thought it was about time we finished up this special that I had been working on for far too long. So here’s the “Baka ja Kattenai no yo!” or “Idiots Never Win!” OAD that was bundled with Volume 25 of the manga in Japan.

The TL for this one was done by kokujin-kun (He also k-timed cuz he’s 1337). He actually came to the rest of the team with this way back last August and it got held up in the TS phase of the process for a long ass time. Anyway, I’ve been putting a few hours in every weekend on this since we dropped the batch, and it finally got all finished today. It’s a nice little story that takes place just before they play Touou at the end of Season 1, so there’s nothing in here that will really spoil Season 2, which, by the way… we’ve got the first 5 volumes of season 2 blu-rays and are working on them now.

So enjoy the show, enjoy the NBA playoffs, and Team Kuroko and I will be seeing you again. Cheers 😉

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's Basketball_-_Baka_ja_Kattenai_no_yo_OAD_[78AA28AE].mkv
MD5: 5a899c593c39db5e9c148e0411f82387