Damn, that’s one serious-looking monkey.
Joint with Live-eviL.
MD5: n/a
Damn, that’s one serious-looking monkey.
Joint with Live-eviL.
MD5: n/a
Christmas Eve is here again, which means it’s CP Day once more—the day where we honour the memory of our much-missed fellow fansubber, ConsiderPhlebas, by releasing a whole load of episodes of basically whatever we’ve managed to get ready in time. Yawara in particular is a series that was close to his heart, so it seems only fitting for us to serve up another batch of Blu-ray episodes to mark the occasion. As ever, this is a joint with Live-eviL.
Pro-tip: If you have this many women mad at you, you’ve definitely done something wrong.
MD5: c8bfd85ab8e9177bbe95e7e307381f3e
Yes, Yawara fans, your eyes do not deceive you! Saizen is alive! Well, just about…
As ever, this is a joint with Live-eviL.
What’s that? We’ve run out of budget? Ah, no worries, I’m sure no one will notice if the animation quality dips a little…
MD5: 71e07d76b2ff4ba18b2edb99ef85712d
Had this ready a while back, but you know, getting old here, so my apologies there, but anyway, here’s the batch of Laughing Salesman tv episodes. Note, there does not seem to be any differences from what is out there aside from one thing, eps 1-100 got a 0 added for the sake of order and something we should have done a long time ago. Batch is optional for those who watched the whole thing as a result. Big ups to our friends at Live-eviL for being with us the whole way. Specials are being worked on.