Kuroko’s Basketball – 28

Kurozuka - 28 - BD.1080p [RC1] [8277A454]_001_8254

You know, recently there’s been a lot of Falsedawn all over our front page, so here’s some less FalseDawn for you with Kuroko’s Basketball – 28, Team Kuroko’s second release of the day.

In this one, Seirin begins their march towards the Winter Cup as they play their first game against the powerhouse, Josei (*tee-hee*). How will Seirin play in their first game with Kiyoshi back? Will they be able to hold Josei off, or will they fold and lose in their very first game of the season and be eliminated from the Winter Cup before they even begin? Grab this one quick and find out! Enjoy!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_28_[720p][Blu-Ray][99202AF9].mkv
MD5: cfd45cd640140676516e93fbf33a162f

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_28_[1080p][Blu-Ray][DEAE4451].mkv
MD5: 7d9a1d13fc5469f76da41238db706a59


Kuroko’s Basketball – 27

Kurozuka - 27 - BD.720p [667C8518].mkv_snapshot_14.13_[2015.07.02_01.42.29]

And a great big “heeeeeeeey” to everyone on this lovely summer Monday! Here’s Kuroko’s Basketball – 27 on Blu-Ray for your viewing enjoyment!

There’s nothing better than playing a bit of street ball on a nice hot summer day, and it looks like Kiyoshi and the Seirin 1st-years had a similar thought. Learn more about the Generation of Miracles’ center, Murasakibara, and what went down in the finals of Inter-High in this one as Seirin looks to march towards the Winter Cup. Oh, and I almost forgot! Find out who’s stretching out this bear in this one too! Enjoy!

P.S. I’m going to providing a little bit of a longer explanation about a term that is used in this episode after the torrent links. There are slight spoilers about this specific episode in it, so just skip it if you’re that worried about getting spoiled.

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_27_[720p][Blu-Ray][74829FC0].mkv
MD5: 290ecc4dc4eda4a99a84221fa22a0ad6

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_27_[1080p][Blu-Ray][72F85972].mkv
MD5: 85a8c2c242817637e63ecd8488782a3f


What the hell’s a “ganguro”? Featuring AMS.

Okay, so in this episode we have Momoi calling Aomine a “ganguro” at one point. Originally, I had left this in the script without even a note, because I figured most people watching this would know what it was. Luckily, one of Team Kuroko’s QCers pointed out to me that they had no idea what it was and had to look it up. Because of that, I thought I’d provide a little additional information here. First things first, wikipedia has a decent article on the term and subculture if you want to check it out (Wiki Link). Alternatively, you can get a good idea of what “ganguro” entails with a simple google image search (Google Images). Anyway, “ganguro” is a rather specific street fashion in Japan that’s most distinguishing features are being excessively tanned and wearing A LOT of makeup (particularly in the case of women from what those Google images tell you). The word itself in Japanese is ガングロ (ganguro). I had never really thought of the etymology of the word but wikipedia provided an interesting thought in that it comes from the phrase ガンガン黒 (gan-gan-kuro), which would literally mean “excessively black.” So why did Momoi call Aomine that? Well, if you watch the show enough, you know who Aomine is. He has a pretty dark complexion compared to every other character on the show. I’m not even sure if he’s supposed to be Japanese or Brazilian-Japanese, but, nonetheless, it’s quite clear that he has a very dark complexion. Given this, it’s obvious that Momoi was taking some sort of shot at his skin color.

TL;DR – “Ganguro” is essentially Japanese blackface. Momoi was taking a shot at Aomine’s skin color.

New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop

The second Blu-Ray box of Gundam Wing, released some time ago, came bundled with a new Frozen Teardrop picture drama written by Sumisawa. It’s of course based on Sumisawa’s novelization of the same name, currently being serialized in Gundam Ace. It takes place after the events of Endless Waltz and the recap in the prologue gets you up to speed fairly quick. If you liked Wing, I actually recommend you avoid reading Frozen Trainwreck Teardrop and just watch the picture drama — they kept only the acceptable bits :^)

Rip group OZC-Anime released a subbed version earlier this year I believe, thanks to a YouTube subber by the name (alias?) of Amir Fikri. Special thanks to both those parties for providing a base for us to work from. We’ve redone the encode, double-checked the translation, and gave the script a facelift. I only saw Wing at the end of last year, so it wasn’t long after till I went full mecha-tard and wanted to do this picture drama, even though I was beaten to it 😉

Shout-out to everyone who made this happen:

  • TLC: convexity
  • Encoder: tyroz
  • Timer: ninjacloud
  • Editor/Typesetter: triviper
  • QC: [Ironman], FalseDawn, Juggen

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Gundam_Wing_-_Frozen_Teardrop_[1080p][B7F30D7B].mkv
MD5: 110a9c4a6d57610446df1105c09f9f8b

Kuroko’s Basketball – 26

Kurozuka - 26 - BD.1080p [6C4ABA87]_001_3346

And a great big “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey” to everyone out there! I know it’s been a while. Anyway, AMS here with the first exciting episode of Kuroko’s Basketball Season 2 on blu-ray for you 🙂

Season 2 is where I feel this show really picks up some steam and kicks some ass, so I’m really looking forward to doing this season. So tune in and watch the drama unfold as the Seirin High School Basketball club looks to put their mark on the high school basketball scene in Japan. Enjoy!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_26_[720p][Blu-Ray][778C1965].mkv
MD5: aa37cddfd8749fff81456c75f0178e6d

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_26_[1080p][Blu-Ray][AE063FB0].mkv
MD5: 78b8bd5f0f6c2ac8e672e3d9a6db8c9c


Yawara – 04 & 05 (BD)


Taking care of a bit of a backlog that’s been sitting at QC for a few months. =)
Also, would like to welcome Ironman to the team. So please give him a warm welcome, maybe he can help the project get a bit smoother.
And no, we ain’t gonna fill the first page with Beast Saga like a certain someone has suggested.  😛

Also, don’t forget to visit Frostii and Live-eviL!

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_004_[720p][Blu-Ray][B18695EF].mkv
MD5: 3825999884033e0b1eb5020ae86ccd12

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_005_[720p][Blu-Ray][155E91A5].mkv
MD5: 16f19cdc3fd478aa2e9d040de4e9646a