Kuroko’s Basketball – 33-34

Kuroko no Bastards - 34 - BD.1080p [8348FC7C]_001_14990
Hey, everyone. Here are the next 2 episodes of Kuroko’s Basketball on Blu-Ray for you on a Friday. These episodes see the end of the flashback story about how Seirin started and how Kiyoshi was injured that Hyuga has been telling since episode 32 come to an end, and the game against Hanamiya’s Kirisaki Dai Ichi begins! Will Seirin exact their revenge on Hanamiya, or will they just get crushed again?

In other news, to call it a sad week at Saizen would be an understatement. We’re all truckin’ along and trying to keep positive. I can’t speak for anyone else, but despite my best efforts, I’m still pretty down over what happened. I didn’t work with CP a lot, but I do have one project I hadn’t really talked about that he worked on just getting its final touches done and it should be out relatively soon (in the next couple weeks if not sooner). I added it to the Projects page a couple weeks back with very little fanfare about it. It’s the movie, Hells, from Madhouse. We’ve done a complete redesign of the “official script” (I retranslated and localized that mess of a script) that was released with the BD in Japan many moons ago and we actually managed to typeset the whole thing (and it’s pretty crazy). So look forward to it coming out from us soon.

Anywho, hopefully these eps start the weekend off right for you. Enjoy the anime!

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MD5: e61ea06ee032bfc6d348e134add70632

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MD5: f948bb73703fa8b04a978c366b75756f

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MD5: 383a84fcc99f3006e0d441ec3e68e925

Kuroko’s Basketball – 32

Kurozuka - 32 - BD.1080p [2AEB3F21]_001_10110

Hey, everyone! AMS back again with some more Kuroko on Blu-Ray for you. This time it’s episode 32. In this one, we see the end and aftermath of Seirin’s game against Shutoku, the beginnings of the Seirin High basketball club and how Kiyoshi and Hyuga and all first met, and, as an added bonus, an amazing new idea from Midorima for how to deal with people!

This episode and the next one are sort of bridge episodes between games as the narrative rolls on. There’s a bunch of plot development though, so make sure you don’t skip them.

As always, enjoy!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_32_[720p][Blu-Ray][448863A4].mkv
MD5: 8c051cdf2fd7caaadf3bdbbf97ebe917

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_32_[1080p][Blu-Ray][7BDA9A6E].mkv
MD5: 3bf63cdd214401ff68a7460b6195cfae

Kuroko’s Basketball Bloopers – S2 Vol 1


Howdy, folks! AMS here again with some more Kuroko for you! This time, it’s the first volume of the season 2 bloopers for you 😉  This one has two clips from the season 2 volume 1 episodes, 26-27. I had a good little chuckle doing these two, so I hope you like them.

In other news, we got the rest of season 2 discs we needed the other night when Asian_InvAsian kindly popped into our irc channel, pointed us towards where we could get them, and the venerable Badskater offered to go grab them for us. So a big thank you goes out to both of you!

Ho-hum, enjoy the anime folks and don’t get frustrated like Kagami here!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_Bloopers_S2_Vol_1_[720p][2BF7DCF4].mkv
MD5: 152305b51ff7de0e99cf94c1a08928b4

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_Bloopers_S2_Vol_1_[1080p][4FF29DC3].mkv
MD5: 95b32b94a2710e1a88a4095150b59083

Kuroko’s Basketball – 30-31

Kurozuka - 31 - BD.1080p [BB9183FF]_001_12725

Hey, everyone! AMS here on a Wednesday with the next two episodes of Kuroko’s Basketball on Blu-Ray for you! These episodes bring us to the final play of the game between Seirin and Shutoku. In the first episode, Midorima surprises us all by doing something we’ve never seen him do before. In the second episode, we finally get to see it. The technique that’s been getting teased since before the end of season 1, Kuroko’s Vanishing Drive!

I know it’s been a while since Team Kuroko released an episode of Kuroko, but don’t worry. It’s not like we’ve been doing nothing behind the scenes. We have more coming. At the same time, we still don’t have all the discs for S2 yet. We do have Vol. 1-5, which will bring us to episode 39, but we have yet to get Vol. 6-9. So if you end up finding them or want to get them for us, hit us up here or on IRC 🙂

Anyway, enough of that. Enjoy the anime!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_30_[720p][Blu-Ray][CC4E843D].mkv
MD5: 1fafc43b41224f62cc6d49ce8e246dde

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MD5: 09f287593c6218deed573ddf66020d0a

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MD5: a3ce98b0e028f2579cd393d6c2c47ac7

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MD5: 3ee525319dd802a968342bc6e3799913

Kuroko’s Basketball – 29

Kurozuka - 29 - BD.1080p [FC8BA216]_001_31346

And another big “Happy Monday” to everyone out there. AMS here with the next ep of Kuroko’s Basketball on Blu-Ray for you. After nicely wrapping up their opening match of the preliminaries, which was a single-game elimination situation, Seirin has now moved on to the championship league, with the top two teams gaining entry into the Winter Cup.

First up for Seirin is Senshinkan, who they’ve lost to twice already… but the episode doesn’t end there! We also get introduced to a mysterious new player who seems to have some sort of history with Kiyoshi, and, to top it all off, then Seirin begins their second game of the championship league as they take on Midorima and his Shutoku team for the second time! Lots of stuff going on in this one. Enjoy!

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_29_[720p][Blu-Ray][5F0AE8E5].mkv
MD5: be040cefef4e66c8812bd66c939ff826

Magnet URI[Saizen]_Kuroko's_Basketball_-_29_[1080p][Blu-Ray][4D4D3E8C].mkv
MD5: 0f65255690e664e1fdc5a876cbfb8b61