When you baste that turkey JUST RIGHT. Joint with Live-eviL.
MD5: caba5f38b338f4ba0d11ff20b4278a97
When you baste that turkey JUST RIGHT. Joint with Live-eviL.
MD5: caba5f38b338f4ba0d11ff20b4278a97
It’s exactly what it looks like. Joint with Live-eviL.
MD5: 0f82cfcb863e0b6c1586ccd97333ad9b
Me when I have to release an episode. Joint with Live-eviL as usual.
MD5: 5bfb9a71ba43ad7392ba2400fd039641
Long time, no see. Here’s a new Salesman for your troubles. And like the post title says, yes, it is in remastered HD. Big shout-outs to Skr for providing us the new raws. Check out his Shin-chan subs at BuriBuri. Joint with Live-eviL, as usual.
MD5: 1526f83a694b7037d18ae5b228847a03
Cause we felt like it, we did this special (albeit out of order), but the theme is pretty relevant to us fansubbers (obsession over a hobby), and the fact it’s also a sports-related special is also a bonus. Joint with Live-eviL.
MD5: e5a3d26daeee438d3ebe0dd41a5edcee
MD5: 2f61d8f9822246d4479990b8cd0cd68c
Don’t be mopey like this guy, cause I got some news. Laughing Salesman will have a modern anime remake/reimagining in April, 2017. I hope CR picks it up. As always, this release was brought to you by us and our friends at Live-eviL.
News Source: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20161215-00000348-oric-ent
MD5: e41039bc72ff744a7c734ed12c937477