Laughing Salesman Special 2 (Parts A and B)

Cause we felt like it, we did this special (albeit out of order), but the theme is pretty relevant to us fansubbers (obsession over a hobby), and the fact it’s also a sports-related special is also a bonus. Joint with Live-eviL.

CCCP icon[Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_-_Special_02A_[DVD][10bit][E51AF5A2].mkv
MD5: e5a3d26daeee438d3ebe0dd41a5edcee

CCCP icon[Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_-_Special_02B_[DVD][10bit][67129F1C].mkv
MD5: 2f61d8f9822246d4479990b8cd0cd68c

Laughing Salesman – 25

Don’t be mopey like this guy, cause I got some news. Laughing Salesman will have a modern anime remake/reimagining in April, 2017. I hope CR picks it up. As always, this release was brought to you by us and our friends at Live-eviL.

News Source:

Magnet URI[Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_25_[DVD][10bit][5054AD87].mkv
MD5: e41039bc72ff744a7c734ed12c937477