[Teleports behind you with 5 more episodes of our favorite Salesman] Nothing personal, kid. Joint with Live-eviL.
Category: Laughing Salesman
Laughing Salesman 64-68
This is your brain on Laughing Salesman. Joint with Live-eviL.
Laughing Salesman 61-63
mfw I’m in charge of doing releases on Christmas. And so, our own Christmas/CP’s B-day release spurt begins. Here’s a triple dose of Salesman to kick things off. Joint with our friends over at Live-eviL. More after the jump…
MD5: c1bee54e3fe37258fe59d1a37be044ed
MD5: 619523bfbfdc2fcbb53686604d414157
MD5: 878b2c7c55b34b06567030fdb43ae1c4
Laughing Salesman 56-60
Wow, to think there’s a meal that even Moguro couldn’t stomach… Here’s another big dose of Salesman goodness. Joint with Live-eviL. Also, it’s been brought to our attention there was a derp in our previous batch (Ep 54 in particular), so here we will provide a v2 patch here to rectify that error.
P.S.: I am a huge effing moron, so here is a patch for 60 as well.
[Evil-Saizen] Laughing Salesman 56-60 (Reissue) (720p)
MD5: n/a
Laughing Salesman 48-55
Hope we didn’t catch ya’ll sleeping, but we’re coming at ya with a massive release of everyone’s favorite salesman (unless you’re one of his customers). CP, this one’s for you. Joint with our pals over at Live-eviL.
[Evil-Saizen] Laughing Salesman 48-55 (Reissue) (720p)
MD5: n/a
Laughing Salesman 46-47
Everyone’s favorite diabolical salesman is back once more this Labor Day weekend. So jump right in and enjoy this double dose. Joint as always with Live-eviL. Patch for episode 47 available here.
MD5: ea2d7e16a011e589a67fd1a418c6899a
MD5: 02d30bf514c78730c4353ec3ecb3e061