Captain Tsubasa (Road to 2002) – 18

Hi. This will be the last release post I’ll write in at least half a year as I’ll be traveling in Namibia, Australia, Argentina and Ecuador. I hope you’ll enjoy, and that the project will live on without me.  The torrent will be added whenever someone’s around to see this post and seed, hopefully 🙂

Edit: This is missing the logo, but personally I don’t care, if any of the other guys on the project do, this will be delayed.

Captain Tsubasa (Road to 2002) – 16

Episode 16 is about the night before the final, and the final itself. I won’t write much, but be ready for a couple of surprises.

P.S! Many thanks to all of the team who worked really hard to get this episode ready. If we get another quality checker or two, we’d hopefully be able to go a bit faster, but until then, we’ll be struggling away at a not so fast pace.
