![[Saizen-HnG] Ashita no Joe - 79](http://www.saizenfansubs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Saizen-HnG_Ashita_no_Joe_-_79_DVD2E904D2B.png)
Summer Special Grande Finale! 10th Anniversary!
Yo! Yo! Yo!
We did it, guys! It’s our 10th anniversary – the day that marks ten years since our very first release; the day that Ashita no Joe, the one series that defines what Saizen is all about, the one reason why Saizen was born, is finally finished!
Like with any big project, it’s been a long and bumpy road. Since I joined this project in early 2008, we’ve gone through more project members than I can count fingers on both hands. But we never gave up, and with the help of the awesome people at Hokuto no Gun, we finally made it to the end of the tunnel! I’d like to thank everyone who’s helped out through the years, you were all of great help! =)
I don’t know what people think about Saizen nowadays. I know the fansub scene has changed a lot these last few years, but I want you to know that Saizen still strives for the highest quality subs with original translations. We’ll always be providing free fansubs for everyone for as long as we enjoy what we do and we’ve got your support. I know some of you feel we are awfully slow, but we’re not competing with anyone and will always put real life first. It just so happens that this is our hobby and I hope you can realize this and refrain from trolling us every now and then. ^^; To whoever asked us what was our excuse, I hope you read this, and I’d also like you to know that we released 99 episodes and 2 movies from January through June, almost four releases per week.
Lately, due largely to simulcasting, our titles have been mostly old gems that are currently unsubbed or ones that only have really bad subs available, giving Saizen a more purposeful approach. I hope people still consider us and can enjoy old school titles just as much as new ones, which mostly are quite generic anyways if you ask me. 😛 Disclaimer: We do occasionally do somewhat new shows, too. ^^
It’s been 7 years since I joined Saizen, and it’s been such a ride: From a Shinsen Fanboy(TM) nobody wanted, to a fansub slave that worked his ass off, to a guy that has nothing better to do than write long news posts. ^^ I’ve really enjoyed my time here, and I’ve learnt a lot, and got to know a bunch of kind and awesome guys. I hope that I can make more memories in Saizen, and maybe I’ll be making a similar post in another ten years, or perhaps there’ll be someone else keeping Saizen alive, still kicking ass in the 2020s. =)
tl;dr: I’m really glad that I could make this post, and I hope you will enjoy the end of Ashita no Joe and our future releases, cause Saizen ain’t stopping at 10, baby! pls no trollerino, be humble to your fellow human beings, and enjoy the life that has been giving to you!
Stay tuned! Even more releases are on their way to celebrate this awesome day!
For those who don’t wanna download the episode all over again, here is a patch for you!