Like I told you yesterday, I’m back and the releases will continue. ^^
Apparently we’re trying to finish Yawara before the end of January 2013 too. Let’s see how that goes…
But for now, please enjoy episode 108, featuring scumbag Hanazono.
Author: juggen
Taisho – 07 (BD)
So I’m sorta/maybe/perhaps/hopefully back again, and will be able to bring you those releases that have just been waiting there for me to finish up, all this time.
At least I got my Master’s degree now, so haters gtfo. π
About Taisho, I guess we will be working on this till the grave, but at least we did an attempt to at least get this one episode out, hopefully more will follow (with less than 2 years delay). Maybe no one still cares about this (I don’t blame you), but we’ll still try to see this one through.
You might notice the signs being slightly different than usually etc, since I had to redo the logo and titles.
Love and Peace!

MD5: 07EA987706210443B606C4055A768677
Yawara – 106-107
So me and my dudes were like: “Hey, two eps suck ass, let’s release some more!” And like the nice guys we are, we had to do something about it!
So yeah, enjoy the end of the Women’s All-Japan Championships, and a few lovey dovey moments in ep107. π
Oh, and about avoiding that spoiler I mentioned last time… well, good luck with that… the episode title ruins it all. lol
You could jump to 02:12 though, past the title… and make sure information is turned off in MPC. xD The fight will be over in a minute after that or so.
Oh, and I’d also like to apologize if you hadn’t watched ep104-105 yet. π
Yawara – 104-105
I just realized that we were still doing Ashita no Joe too! Jesus, my absence has really taken its toll on me.
Anyway, have two fresh episodes with your favorite judo girl! Really nice endings in both episodes, especially ep104.
And a tip from yours truly, don’t watch the preview in ep105 if you don’t wanna know how the fight ends. ^^
Ashita no Joe – 39
We’re finally back. Left you with a cliffhanger and all too. >_<
At least you will now be able to watch who goes victorious out of the ring. Will it be Wolf... or Joe?! Find out now! π
Don't forget to visit Hokuto no Gun.
Yawara – 102-103
I here present to you… some judo x2! =D Ito has a real tough first match, not due to skill though. ^^ And will Inokuma make it??!!!! (duh)
Now you probably don’t wanna listen to more of my ramblings considering things are starting to get exciting, so go ahead and get your new doses of excuses ala Hagoromo, demonic raging ala Jigoro… and ground slamming Ippon Zeois ala Yawara? π
Also, new OP/ED. Hope you like my karaokes. ^^