Prince of Tennis – The Ultimate Tennis Match at an English Castle!

Prince of Tennis - Movie (2011)

Yo, for all you Dragonball Z and tennis fans out there, we’re proud to announce the release of the second (and shittiest?) Prince of Tennis movie!
I don’t know who’s idea it was to sub this movie, but I’m pretty sure most of the staff regret working on it. lol
What’s even better is that we’re able to release this on the 1st of April. A pretty funny coincidence. ^^
If you are one of those that enjoyed this movie, and would like to see it with higher quality subs, this is definitely the release to get, however. =)

Miyuki – 01-02

Beast 03

Yo, we had you waiting long enough, and it’s time to reveal our newest project with FroZen-EviL! =)
This is another gem from the 80’s , which also happens to be the first anime made by Adachi Mitsuru who later brought us series like Touch and Cross Game. We actually stalled this release a few days since today apparently is the 30th anniversary since the first episode of Miyuki aired on Japanese television. ^^

The series is about your typical high school guy, surrounded by a bunch of cute girls… and a few twists here and there. πŸ˜›
Also seems to be a pretty relaxing and entertaining show. ^^

But that’s not all! Someone whispered in my ear that another Adachi show might be in the works. πŸ˜‰

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MD5: 7886560993925B6F5BD0E6F435F1F06F
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Ashita no Joe – 53-55

I thought it was about time that you had recovered from the loss of Rikiishi last time around. Joe however, has he? πŸ™
Stay tuned for less depressing news later today. πŸ˜‰

v2 Patch File

Don’t forget to visit Hokuto no Gun.

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MD5: E8EEEE5B319ECEDD6676F747B483D3B1
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MD5: 9809F1B0FA646B235874CD9BE1C979D5