There’s been a lot of shittalks lately as we haven’t released Miyuki for the last what? Two months?
Realize that’s we don’t fansub for your fucking enjoyment but our own. Also, as many of you probably know, some periods you will be busy with all kinds of things, and that goes for us too, and I’ve had a lot.
Also, when you guys sit and watch one of our episodes, you can just lay back and enjoy it. Meanwhile, about 5-6 people put maybe 1-3 hours each into that very episode, in the same free time you used to do absolutely nothing. Don’t get spoiled and learn to appreciate what others do for you, and think of what you can do for others. There’s no reason to attack others; just like the idiom goes: “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”
As we use our free time to fansub things others can also enjoy, you can at least show some respect in return. Imagine if all fansub groups kept their episodes to themselves, since guess what, we don’t need you, and we don’t get paid in any way, it’s simply us sharing our efforts with you. Think about that the next time you are about to throw up your garbage comments here.
Luckily you are a minority among all the nice people that appreciate what we do. So thank you, everyone, who always cheer us up!