While you wait for some more new episodes, why not revisit some of older episodes in HD? Here’s the first 8 reissued in HD. Joint with Live-eviL.
Author: Eternal_Blizzard
Ninku 54-55 END
Well, it’s been a long time coming, but after almost 7 years since we began subtitling Ninku from where our predecessors in Dattebayo fansubs left off, we have reached the end of the road and completed this one at long last. This has been an undertaking over 16 years in the making since Rice-Box released their one-shot of episode 1 back in 2004.
I was gonna write a long history post about Ninku’s fansubbing situation throughout the years, but I’ll leave it to someone more experienced than me to write that. So without further ado, here’s the list of credits of everyone who worked on this one over the years from here and over at Soldado-Subs.
Fansub Credits
- Translators: ronahn (26-32), Eternal_Blizzard* (33-50), convexity (33+), tenkenX6 (43)
- Translation Checkers: convexity (26-31, 33-50), tenkenX6 (43)
- Song Translations: chichiri(OP, ED 1 *DB), convexity (ED 2, ED 3), Mori (Insert in ep 39)
- Editors: pheon18 (26-30), Eternal_Blizzard (31+)
- Timer: Eternal_Blizzard
- Typesetters: zegond (26-30 DVD), Eternal_Blizzard
- Encoder: Eternal_Blizzard
- Quality Checkers: Ashur (26), CP (26-30)(RIP), sangofe (26-28, 31-32), Collectr (29+), pheon18 (31-32), konnakude (26-31), bananadoyouwanna(33+), E_B
- Karaoke Styler: Shujin0
With that being said, we do have just one more thing left to do, and that will be the Drama CD, which will be released with the final definitive batch once I am done going over the past episodes. Thank you all for sticking through with us over the years, it’s pretty surreal to say this project is done (batching aside), but you know what I mean. Enjoy these last two episodes and some parting words and/or funny quotes from the core team.
%bananadoyouwanna: When I first offered to quality check I was extremely motivated to get this done and then years passed… Ahem… Nevertheless, It was a fun show to work on!
@Eternal_Blizzard: It was a lot of work, but working with such a fine group of folks made this ride all the worthwhile. I’ll see what the future holds for me and how much I have left in the tank to keep on subbing.
%Collectr: I’m gonna take a break for a while. Ninku rots my brain.
@convexity: fuusuke’s just dumb. I dunno what to say
MD5: 1aa255613b21dccb0f81cac949775918
MD5: e753075920d1adfef7e6c0b2e37d1d8d
Ninku 53
And now for something different, we get a little insight in the origins of our Ninku mascot penguin, Hiroyuki. So enjoy a tale of two penguins, so to speak. Joint with Soldado-Subs.
MD5: aaecc3077f425557038ed7613251b4bc
Laughing Salesman 83-94
Massive release of Salesman for you guys this time, shoutouts to Nemesis for her help in getting this ready. Joint with Live-eviL.
Ninku 52
tfw quarantines are still a thing. Joint with Soldado-Subs.
MD5: 96690e91615d289583e388d28c231658
Laughing Salesman 81-82
Literally me right now. Joint with Live-eviL.
MD5: fbfbb9e08d9e7ae2035b43cbae122bd6
MD5: c0de899c66d55f8d29f7fe0d9feeff59