Helloes! Sorry for the long wait and all fault is mine: I’ve been depressed and lost a lot of my concentration as a result. I was absolutely sure in my black-clouded mind that Bad Boys 2 is out and being watched. Imagine my face when after my comeback I saw that it wasn’t so! I definitely looked as amazed as the guys on this pic.
Well, as they say, it’s better late than never, so here it is, the second episode of this epic series. Enjoy!
[Saizen] Bad Boys - 02 [4EB7D9D1].mkv
MD5: 28f8b1a8c88edf7f473075fdcfc7dc72
Wow! Look who’s back! ?
Yeah copied from IRC –> always bet on konnakude to come through in a pinch
Great thanks! I was a bit down myself and you shine a bit sunlight into my day with this!
Looking forward to watching this rare series, keep up the good work, you’re the best!
hell yeah thanks
Many thanks. Here’s hoping the remaining few parts release somewhat soon.
Such a good series
Thank you for all your hard work! Sorry that you have been depressed. I hope you can get the help you need in these times. All the best.