As many of you may know, three years ago today, Saizen (and the fansubbing community in general) lost a very dear friend. We’ve marked the anniversary of ConsiderPhlebas’s (CP) passing for the last few years, but this year, we decided to do something a little different. We cannot understate how much passion CP had for anime, so we thought: “What could be better than releasing a few episodes of stuff as a way to celebrate his life and the anime that was so dear to him?”
So today is ConsiderPhlebas Memorial Day. We intend this to be the start of a new tradition in Saizen, honoring the memory of a friend who helped us so much over the years to produce English-subtitled anime for the wider world. You may ask why we’ve chosen today to pay homage to him instead of his birthday, and it’s a good question, but we felt it was more appropriate to mark his “meinichi”: the day to celebrate CP’s legacy and share fond memories of him. It’s the norm in Japanese culture, so we figured CP would have loved it, considering how much he reveled in learning little cultural details like that.
For our first release of the day, we have Yawara, a show that’s synonymous with CP because he was a large part of the reason for us even picking it up. Stay tuned for more Saizen releases throughout the day.
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Yeah, I also agree celebrating his legacy and remembering and sharing fond memories about CP today is a good thing. For we’re not mulling over him not being here or anything like that. We’re celebrating what he did for us and the whole fansub community. Releasing subbed anime, which he so dearly loved and enjoyed. Sure, I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a hint of sadness within me today. But for the most part, it’s a day of fond rememberance of an amazing person, friend, and subber. Some people may think it’s odd or kind of out of place to do this today, his day of passing. Everyone has their own way of dealing with loss and rememberances, so to each their own. 🙂
For those who don’t know, the picture in this post is the one CP used as his facebook profile picture. Makes me both happy and sad.
Yotsuba… Yeah, he had good taste. 🙂
Possibly one of the most generous contributors to fansubbing there ever was. And he watched every fansub I released, no matter how shitty they were.
He will be missed ;_;
Thanks guys for all the hard work. He is really missed. I’m sure this makes him happy
We had so many grate conv on irc. So much passion for fansub.
@tom: Are you still interested in fansubbing and/or have the time for it? Saizen could use more experienced QCers. 😉