Have another fast release from your favorite triple joint! Actually, have two!
Not sure when the next will be out, but I think we’ve a nice pace going right now. 😛
Have another fast release from your favorite triple joint! Actually, have two!
Not sure when the next will be out, but I think we’ve a nice pace going right now. 😛
lol!!, That’s funny guess of you Juggen :D, Thanks for your hard work with these Good groups.
P.S: “These” referred to Frostii & Live-Evil.
Infinite thanks for this old school Urasawa Naoki double attack!
Woot 2 Yawara’s for the price of one!
I was gonna write some eloquent shit about how good this show is, and how cool you lot are for subbing it, but actually I just sat here with a smile on me face for a minute or three… oops!
Junglist + Yawara! = LUV
I can’t believe how you can do it so fast!
LukeLee: it’s a combined team effort, but most of all it’s thank to kokujin-kun’s fantastic scripts and collectr’s incredible editing accuracy and scripts. And of course Juggen’s around to time when the scripts need that procedure, plus QC don’t take forever as opposed to other projects. Not doing any real typesetting helps as well. Plus Skr doesn’t lag with his encodes… basicly, it’s a team effort and nobody is late with their shit, making it possible.
I think it’s a question of animal mathematics: 3*Turtle = Rabbit ;D
lol ^^