And so, everything must come to an end. Luckily, this particular end is a natural one, unlike the ones Moguro’s victims clients usually meet, because we’ve finished a series! Yay! Or to be more accurate, we’ve finished the specials for this series, because we already did the series proper a little while ago. But anyway, this ties up all the loose odds and ends for the original run of Laughing Salesman, so we hope you enjoyed (if that’s the right word) the tales of Moguro and the many, many, many unfortunate souls who weren’t careful what they wished for.
As this is the last episode of the specials, it would be remiss not to thank the following people for their hard work on this project:
Translation – kokujin-kun, valerio
Timing – ninjacloud, sangofe
Editing and Typesetting – Collectr
QC – Nemesis, Uchuu
RC – Ayanami-
Encoding – BakaProxy
Muxing – Mamo-chan
If you wish to read a more in-depth overview of the project, head on over to Collectr’s blog. He was able to get his head around the weird numbering system that was going on with these specials, so if you’re curious about that, check it out.
And as ever, a very hearty thanks to those stand-up chaps and chapesses over at Live-eviL, who jointed with us on this project. We couldn’t have done it without them.
So all that’s left to say is go download and enjoy!
MD5: n/a
Thank you for makes this amazing series accesible!
All I can say it thank you for everything. This has been a wonderful journey and I am so happy to have stumbled upon it. Y’all did great work.
So long folks! I know we’ll meet again!
Yes! It’s finally! Finally! Finally over!
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun watch!
Many thanks to you guys for bringing this niche series to Moguro fans around the world!
Thanks for finishing this series. Hope you can give some love back to CDJ, you know?
So like I saw an episode of the series in which some innocent guy wants to learn driving and the Laughing-salesman just drags him into one accident after another.
I thought the Laughing-salesman is someone who gets his revenge when his ‘request’ to provide help is not appreciated.
But after watching this episode am confused, I mean the innocent guy didnt do anything wrong to LS.
Can someone please provide some light on this thanks.
He doesn’t actually get his revenge per say he just want people to follow through and when they don’t a lesson is given. I remember that old man one where he gave a guy who wanted just to bet money away on horses to use it on a vivicious pretty gal and tell him all the details but instead he piss’d it all away on bets. So LS punished him.
Anyway will you guys do the live action and or the drama play of LS? Please. And I hope you do. Sending lots of love ya’ll way.
Where’s Special 4? Can’t find it anywhere.