Christmas Eve is here again, which means it’s CP Day once more—the day where we honour the memory of our much-missed fellow fansubber, ConsiderPhlebas, by releasing a whole load of episodes of basically whatever we’ve managed to get ready in time. Yawara in particular is a series that was close to his heart, so it seems only fitting for us to serve up another batch of Blu-ray episodes to mark the occasion. As ever, this is a joint with Live-eviL.
Thank you Saizen, L-E, and the secret staff for doing your best.
Wish you happy new year in advance.
Thank you for your awesome work. I bookmarked the Yawara page and every week I check it if there are news.
Thanks and happy new year!
Yawara is one of my favorite series, I check back all the time for these updates. Thank you thank you thank you for continuing to put these episodes out, as especially for a Urasawa work, I’m sure this is something of a niche title. Wishing you all a great 2023!