To round off our release bonanza for CP Day this year (okay, bonanza might be overselling it slightly), we have some more Laughing Salesman for you! Apparently, there are a load of specials for this series, so we figured we might as well sub those as well. And what better way to spend the holidays than watching Moguro baiting some more poor saps?
This is a joint with those upstanding-and-not-evil-at-all folk over at Live-eviL and all that remains for me to say is Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone!
[Evil-Saizen] Laughing_Salesman_-Specials_05_-_09_[720p]
MD5: n/a
[Evil-Saizen] Laughing_Salesman_-Specials_02a_v2_[720p]
MD5: 4be3d3de72a346038e9eb922bfce84d7
I’ve been checking the site every day for these!
Merry Christmas to you guys! 😊
I have checked every day and waited patiently. Y’all delivered the best Christmas gift ever. <3
Will patiently wait for the rest of the specials. Until then, Happy Watching!
Thanks a ton guys, you all rock !!!
I wanted to ask, did you guys release the 03 & 04 Specials ? I am unable to find them.
Thanks again.