Helloes! Here comes the next awesome episode where you will find out more about the background of some of the important characters. Weren’t they cute when they were young? 😛
[Saizen] Bad Boys - 03 [34E04E0D].mkv
MD5: 286cd1354b9bb927961ef1073b09a692
Not all heroes wear capes… or do you?
Where’s episode 4 – 5 pls upload thank you 🙏🌹
I’m sure if you look hard enough you’ll find raws!
How come you guys only use the raws? Youtube quality seems good enough…
Bro how fucking long is it gonna take to upload episode 4 & 5 ? Its been way too long man
Come on man. They can afford to spend their free time doing this work, but you can’t afford to be patient and wait for them to do it?
When they get done.
I hope to see the continuation soon; it’s an excellent anime uwu
I guess we’re never getting episode 4 huh ?
When will you upload ep 4-5? Anyhow, thank you very much for all the hard work.
Guys, thanks a ton for the series.
Kindly request to upload the eps 4-5. TIA.
Hopefully we get the rest of the series
Fr, they suckin off yawara and bby & me
Unfortunately, staffing issues have led to delays on this title (as on others: Bad Boys isn’t alone in this regard). As a group, we don’t favor any one title over another; it just works out that sometimes projects have gaps in personnel that are harder to fill than others. We still plan to complete Bad Boys, and given that there are only two episodes left, it’s high on our priority list, but at the moment, we have no timescale for when our staffing issues with it will be resolved.
You guys are the best. Keep it up.
Finally got around to watching this. Thanks y’all for subbing this :]
Hope to see it completed someday.
one day, bad boys…