Fear not, Katrielle fans! We haven’t forgotten about our favourite detective and her agency. Except in this episode, the focus is on Professor Layton and the events leading up to his disappearance. And as you can see, it’s a bit more action-packed than previous episodes
On a side-note, even though this series finished a while ago, as with all our ongoing shows, we’re determined to sub it in its entirety (even if no one’s watching it!), and if the Blu-rays appear online at any point, we will switch over to using them instead, so if you happen to have the BDs, leave us a message or visit us on IRC (#saizen on the rizon network) because they seem to be extremely rare.
[Saizen] Layton's Mystery Detective Agency - Kat's Puzzle-Solving Files - 10 [01424F83].mkv
MD5: 71f402d06fad57d965cf671918c979b7
Please continue your great work on the series! I would be one of zero (?!) people watching the series and keeping the in archive for my future kids to watch :3