What’s going on in your head, Yawara?
This is a joint with the guys, gals, and kittehs over at Live-eviL.
MD5: 5af5e5f45f59ba1496e714edd3dc0c04
MD5: 90e6034e5c328c9bd13ac7fb223cdb52
High five for another Yawara! Good job guys! ??
Awesome! Always grateful for your work. Many thanks.
Watch out Yawara-chan, you have a stalker now. 😉 lol
WTF is happening, it has been 2 months since the last release, is there any problem? Please dish out the goodies, we the fans love you all, all hail Saizen
WTF is happening? Well, I had a month with constant exams, then a couple of weeks with 50 hours plus work a week and I got a soon six years old. And I’m not the only busy person in saizen. FYI I’m soon 37 and not the oldest.
Oh I understand, hope your exams were all good, wishing you good results. Do understand we the fans love what saizen does and we appreciate it to the max. Please forgive my earlier comment. Thanks.