Helloes! Saizen is happy to present the first OVA of Bad Boys. As you can guess from the pic, it’s about delinquents.
And yes, we love delinquents and their fights! This is a little special as it happens in Hiroshima. Enjoy!
[Saizen] Bad Boys - 01 [3DF2A960].mkv
MD5: 8e5675a809623698b2ebb1a20e5e2138
The best type of Humans, thank you for making me alive watching my brothers ^^
Nice anime, didnt knew about it. Thanks for subbing this <3.
I really love all the deliquent animes you have subbed so far! 🙂
Looking forward to this too, and may many 90ies deliquent animes follow 😀
wonderful, keep ’em coming
Wahaaaa!!! Good job guys!!
Thanks for subbing! I enjoyed this new series very much, but there was a bit too much rape for my taste ^^
Oh man, I watched the raws of this ages ago, really grateful that you guys have subbed it.
Nice. This will keep me going until Be bop highschool 7. Thanks
Huh. I follow waiting for the ending of Be-Bop High School and I get…”oh you know this other series you were wishing you’d see subbed? WELL HERE IT IS.”
Thanks for picking up another delinquents series guys
I would’ve never watched this have it not been for you
Thank you very much for this work. Hope you’ll do the other 4 episodes !
From France.
What kind of codec does this use? VLC and MPC-HC aren’t accepting this, CCCP isn’t working, and Mediainfo is choking.
Works fine with vlc, mpc-be and mediainfo here. You sure your file isn’t corrupted? ;o