You can see that Tsubasa was quite a charmer since childhood. I wonder whom he’s winking at.
In order to find out, watch the episode!
MD5: 6cbe4c89121451ce4473ddfa3ce32f3d
You can see that Tsubasa was quite a charmer since childhood. I wonder whom he’s winking at.
In order to find out, watch the episode!
MD5: 6cbe4c89121451ce4473ddfa3ce32f3d
As always, great work and much appreciated.
2 more episode
So close to end, yet so far…
Great work, thank you very much!!!
2 more episodes to go, can’t wait !!
did something happened? Why did they stopped so suddendly when only the last 2 episodes are missing? I can see that the updates were quite often before, now it’s been more than 2 months without any.
It’s a pity because it’s a really good work.
Yeah. A vital staffer has been and is still too sick to fansub. It will be completed.
really? I hope he’s going to be ok and heal soon 🙂
Great effort, thank you a million.
Sadly, i lost my HDD full of anime, but someday in the future, i’ll watch the whole eps. in a row and feel grateful to you (and frenchies too), for your effort and patience on doing such a long project (128 eps. is a lot).
It’s commendable that you did such a quality fansubbing on this time and era. Now a rerun of Tsubasa is being made, it could be good, but this is classic.
Thanks again, and good luck.
Matta ne.
Yes, really, Tokage.
How can we download episodes 1-98?
I only could download episodes 99-126.
Use this batch.
PLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEESEE, do the last two episodes as soon as you can :((((( PLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEESEE……….
What do you think our intent is?
Any vague ETA for the last 2 eps?
There’s no ETA for our team member’s illness, no.
Why not just ask someone from another fansubbing group to help out? It’s only 2 episodes.
Are you really going to let the absence of one person bring the entire process to a halt?
I’d also like to add that I wish whoever that particular person is a speedy recovery.
Looks like “someone” just volunteered to help with the last 2 eps. hehe pun intended =D
Just be patient guys and gals, we’ve waited since 2008 when Frenchies started this, I’m sure we can wait a little while longer. 🙂
Someone: because we respect each other. Something you clearly don’t.
Oh, someone is mad here…
Well, if “Someone” wants to watch the last two episodes, then they’re available raw on many sources, I am pretty sure those who followed us can understand the remaining eps without subs.
As they say, this is a free fansub, so why you comment to speed things while you eat, sleep, watch ehm anime, repeat?
While patiently waiting for the last two episodes, here’s a big thanks to everyone involved in subbing my favorite childhood series. You guys rock.
You are welcome! It will be completed at one point 🙂
You do all realize that the last 2 eps are recaps, right? Almost no new content.
Those recaps still have to be timed and quality checked though. It’s not like they can just copy-paste everything, especially the signs.
Y’know what, read all the past comments. Think about how the comments of the staff feel. To me they all feel very much “we’re so tired of your shit – of your demanding attitude, of your lack of understanding how subbing works, of repeating ourselves over and over”.
But regardless – if these eps are recaps with almost no new content, then why don’t you go and be a champ – sub them yourself, post them for everyone to enjoy.
Haha, joke’s on you, I already do sub it because I’m part of the team ^_~
I can see now how my comment could be (and was) misconstrued. I meant it as more of a “why are you guys all banging on about this? It’s all recap stuff you’ve seen before”. My bad. Oh, and to pre-empt anyone else, I’m not saying we don’t see any point in doing them (that’s why we are in fact doing them), I just don’t get all the fuss over us being slow to deliver something you’ve already seen because it’s just a load of clips from earlier in the series ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And you’re wrong about what still needs to be done, Erudil.
I know they are just recap, but even so, without these 2 episodes the series is not complete. That’s why people are sad about this stop 😛
But it’s not a stop.