How’s your day, AMS?!
Here’s hoping you’re having the best possibly b-day ever, AMS!
Even Goro tips his hat off to you! And to show his appreciation he’ll pitch everything’s he’s got because that’s just like you; you give it everything you got!
Here’s also a nice song that I hope will make you smile, it sure made me!:
Happy Birthday. Mine was yesterday and I remember someone is tomorrow, anyway, happy phantom birthday to you AMS!
OMG happy bday AMS! I hope you had a great bday! Thanks for being a great person, awesome fansubber, and awesome friend for all of us
Happy birthday, man! And remember, now is the youngest you’ll ever be for the rest of your life (^^)/
Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu AMS! I hope you had a great one.
Happy birthday! thanks for the major subs!
Any chance to sub the rest of major in HD?