Anego is crying! What did Tsubasa do to make her cry? In order to find out, watch the episode!
MD5: e0afcc24844de1eac6aa354e7e735d8d
Anego is crying! What did Tsubasa do to make her cry? In order to find out, watch the episode!
MD5: e0afcc24844de1eac6aa354e7e735d8d
Maybe Anego caught Tsubasa giving Kojiro a reacharound?
Thanks team.
FYI – something wrong with your guest commenting. I had to register to post this.
Probably explains why you’re a little light on comments this time round.
Hi, I can’t seem to download episode 42: zero seeders. Where can I download the mkv file for episode 42? Thanks!
Thank you so much for your hardworking and generosity. 8 more to the finish of the series.
Will you guys plan to sub any animes relating to Captain Tsubasa after this series?
Lanfeust, try this batch, it’s well seeded.
fernandoribeiromoc, I don’t think we’ll go over CTJ or shin CT series.
Hi guys, thanks all the great encodes of Captain Tsubasa cartoons. Am the biggest fan of Saizen group and Captain Tsubasa. Please can I know when the expectation of the most renowned episode of CT-121 is able to release? Much gracious, tanks.
Hi my friends welcume you all to October 2017. Please anyone tell me abouting the rest of Captain Tsubasa episodes in English please. Last upload was 4 months ago in June 2017. I am just the ask, I love Saizen people very veryyyyy much. Keep up the good work and prosper long cheerssssss.
Bubblewrap, that question annoys the Captain Tsubasa subbing team, so don’t ask.
Ok I am the very sorry. I apollogize. Sorry again.
We went are will going over it sooned lol
hello Dears :
at first i love u all and thanks for every thing .
then i have a quesion : When are you going this cartoon and Baby and Me ?
i love u very much .thank u .
Are you people for fucking real? Have you heard of something called “rules”, Ali, bubblewrap and fernandoribeiromoc?
omg . no sorry i do not know . but i love Captain Tsubasa and I’ll take a moment to see the final section on this site.
i love u . thanks .
Don’t ask about progress on project xy; we’re not some licensing company who holds back distribution of episodes for increased profit margins — we’ll get the eps out to you as soon as they are DONE.
Stop asking if projects are dropped; we will announce if we’re no longer working on a project.
If you don’t like the speed or the effort we’re putting into our fansubs, then just don’t download them.
Stay on-topic when you are posting. Project requests don’t go under Playback Help.
NEW EDITION OF CAPTAIN TSUBASA COMING OUT IN 2018 LET’S GOOOOO!!!!! Can’t wait to finish watching this so I can watch the movies, then Shin, then J, RT 2002, and then watch the new ond next year! (Btw I’m just posting here cuz I have no idea where else to post my Captain Tsubasa excitement, don’t take this is as a request or complaint or something)
Yeah. I can guarantee you that we won’t be touching the re make. When this project is done we’re DONE with Tsubasa.
Why the hell are they making yet ANOTHER remake!! It’s plain stupid.
Shankman, let me introduce you to a concept known as “money”.
Hey guys.Miss you all
I have question.How do you understand japanese
@Ozhora tsubasa: Hmm… that’s a really deep question. Deeper than the depths of the ocean. I have no doubt that many anime fans have pondered this question throughout the years. The secret to that, which has been locked away in a hidden vault until now, is that you need the power of information from “that template” to understand the moon runes and Moonian language. That’s all I’m allowed to tell you.
TenkenX6, if you really want to ponder some deep questions:
What is truth? What is the meaning of life? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
What is the point of life? Why should we worry at all about anything we do?
Well, of course, you shouldn’t. But you would do well to be observant. Simply notice who and what you are being, doing, and having, and see whether it serves you
The point of life is not to get anywhere—it is to notice that you are, and have always been, already there. You are, always and forever, in the moment of pure creation. The point of life is therefore to create—who and what you are, and then to experience that
Wow thanks guys. I came here for the fansubs but walked away with deep and detailed knowledge of myself and the universe.
One thing I’ve noticed with all this wise and ethereal advice being passed around, no one has answered the OP “How do you understand Japanese?”??!?!!!?
Using google is sufficient for that, or at least for your level to understand the basics.
@Shankman: There’s also a so-called good language software that you all may have heard of, Rosetta Stone, that can help you learn/understand the moonspeak. The funny thing is, I’ve heard from a handful or so of people that it doesn’t work very well.