And… we’re still not done this week. Here’s the next ep of Major Season 1 for you!
Goro is searching for more teammates to take on the Shopping District team and Sawamura is still bullying Komori in this one. What a dick.
Anyway, I hope you like it. I’m gonna get back to translating the next ep now…
MD5: d40f525530744f47e7b60d0c6483ad61
Thank you so much for this release!
haha!! thanks for the release!
knew it was a good idea to bookmark saizen website!!!!!
thanks for the release and I wish you good luck on the next one!
so much!!!!!!!! just finished it
lmao autocorrect the website (was a link to my profile on a game) oh welllll
Thanks for the release! keep doing what ur doing
are u guys subbing season 2? its my favorite season!
thanks for the episodes people
Um… I subbed Season 2 as my first fansub project for Saizen 9-10 years ago or something. I didn’t know Japanese then, and… it was 9-10 years ago, lol. Might be willing to redo it, but there are a lot of episodes between where I am right now and doing that, so I’d rather not make promises at this point.
okie! thanks anywaysss <3
Thanks for the release
Loving this series thanks guys
Thanks for the Major releases.
thanks for the update been looking forward to this one
hey it wont let me download this episode, i downloaded all the others and it works but this one just stays stuck on “connecting to peers”? Thanks for the great subs and quality!
I think its a dead torrent
Please tell me how I can download this
never mind it worked!!! (is there a way to delete my old comment)
is there any HD raws for season 2 and 3? and if there are will u perhaps sub them?