Yawara – 04 & 05 (BD)


Taking care of a bit of a backlog that’s been sitting at QC for a few months. =)
Also, would like to welcome Ironman to the team. So please give him a warm welcome, maybe he can help the project get a bit smoother.
And no, we ain’t gonna fill the first page with Beast Saga like a certain someone has suggested.  😛

Also, don’t forget to visit Frostii and Live-eviL!

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_004_[720p][Blu-Ray][B18695EF].mkv
MD5: 3825999884033e0b1eb5020ae86ccd12

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_005_[720p][Blu-Ray][155E91A5].mkv
MD5: 16f19cdc3fd478aa2e9d040de4e9646a

12 thoughts to “Yawara – 04 & 05 (BD)”

  1. Hahaha, even Yawara is frightened a bit from challenging the beast ^^
    Thanks FroZen-Evil team, thanks Ironman for joining our team, I am sure you will prove your ambition to conquer your path…
    Ah, I must stop playing Ken’s Rage 2 a bit lol ^^

  2. If anyone here has played the arcade fighting games “Fighter’s History” and “World Heroes,” there’s a judo-ka both games who looks like Yawara. Those 2 games were released after the anime first aired.

  3. love the yawara! thanks much for the excellent encoding/subbin…
    any chance there will be more laughing salesman in the near future? i’m missing the hell out of moguro!

  4. Thanks for more Yawara goodness. <3

    Frostii site has been down for ages though, so it'd be hard to visit them. ^^
    Are they even still around? Haven't found any info so far.

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