Taking care of a bit of a backlog that’s been sitting at QC for a few months. =)
Also, would like to welcome Ironman to the team. So please give him a warm welcome, maybe he can help the project get a bit smoother.
And no, we ain’t gonna fill the first page with Beast Saga like a certain someone has suggested. 😛
Also, don’t forget to visit Frostii and Live-eviL!
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Hahaha, even Yawara is frightened a bit from challenging the beast ^^
Thanks FroZen-Evil team, thanks Ironman for joining our team, I am sure you will prove your ambition to conquer your path…
Ah, I must stop playing Ken’s Rage 2 a bit lol ^^
Thank you for your hard work!
Dang, you broke my releasing streak.
You’re welcome, Gonzo.
Thank you!
If anyone here has played the arcade fighting games “Fighter’s History” and “World Heroes,” there’s a judo-ka both games who looks like Yawara. Those 2 games were released after the anime first aired.
love the yawara! thanks much for the excellent encoding/subbin…
any chance there will be more laughing salesman in the near future? i’m missing the hell out of moguro!
welcome Ironman 🙂
It’s stalled, octal9, since our TL currently don’t have good access to the Internet.
Yay! Thank you for welcoming me! 😀
/me blushes
Thanks for more Yawara goodness. <3
Frostii site has been down for ages though, so it'd be hard to visit them. ^^
Are they even still around? Haven't found any info so far.
Where do you get the raws on blu-ray?