Our first birthday in our August calendar, belongs to no one but Konnakude!
Happy birthday to our awesome editor who likes kawaii frogs more than any noisy loli!! (and the pose of this frog is stating his superiority!)
His present is a super awesome supply of 3D frog wallpapers!
Ah lol~
Ha-ppy-ppy-ppy Birth-day-day-day to you Konnaku-de-de-de, remember that this day is all yours, be the king once in your life
happy birthday
Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu Konnakude! I hope you have a good one.
happy bday kunnaaaaaaa, enjoy, cheers
Well, it was the first. Happy belated b-day, konna.
@sangofe: Now I can celebrate it for two days due to the time differencies!
Thank you very much, everyone, for the best wishes!
(I really need them this morning after heavy partying, lol)
Happy Birthday
Happy bday konna!
Happy Birthday Konna :D!!!
Enjoy this day to the fullest
Happy Birthday !
Happy birthday, Konnakude !
have fun kunna, pls control on te chicks that enter ur room ok
make it neat for once te partying 
Grattis! ^^
Happy birthday konnakude! Such an awesome pic juggen =).
It was actually zegond, all creds to her. ^^
Today (yesterday) was your birthday? You should have said something.
It was on the first of august.
Thank god for those time zones, eh?
Ett sent grattis
Happy late birthday, Konna-kun~