Ashita no Joe – 78-79 with Friends | Summer Special Grande Finale! | 10th Anniversary!

Summer Special Grande Finale! 10th Anniversary!

Yo! Yo! Yo!

We did it, guys! It’s our 10th anniversary  the day that marks ten years since our very first release; the day that Ashita no Joe, the one series that defines what Saizen is all about, the one reason why Saizen was born, is finally finished!

Like with any big project, it’s been a long and bumpy road. Since I joined this project in early 2008, we’ve gone through more project members than I can count fingers on both hands. But we never gave up, and with the help of the awesome people at Hokuto no Gun, we finally made it to the end of the tunnel! I’d like to thank everyone who’s helped out through the years, you were all of great help! =)

I don’t know what people think about Saizen nowadays. I know the fansub scene has changed a lot these last few years, but I want you to know that Saizen still strives for the highest quality subs with original translations. We’ll always be providing free fansubs for everyone for as long as we enjoy what we do and we’ve got your support. I know some of you feel we are awfully slow, but we’re not competing with anyone and will always put real life first. It just so happens that this is our hobby and I hope you can realize this and refrain from trolling us every now and then. ^^; To whoever asked us what was our excuse, I hope you read this, and I’d also like you to know that we released 99 episodes and 2 movies from January through June, almost four releases per week.

Lately, due largely to simulcasting, our titles have been mostly old gems that are currently unsubbed or ones that only have really bad subs available, giving Saizen a more purposeful approach. I hope people still consider us and can enjoy old school titles just as much as new ones, which mostly are quite generic anyways if you ask me. 😛 Disclaimer: We do occasionally do somewhat new shows, too. ^^

It’s been 7 years since I joined Saizen, and it’s been such a ride: From a Shinsen Fanboy(TM) nobody wanted, to a fansub slave that worked his ass off, to a guy that has nothing better to do than write long news posts. ^^ I’ve really enjoyed my time here, and I’ve learnt a lot, and got to know a bunch of kind and awesome guys. I hope that I can make more memories in Saizen, and maybe I’ll be making a similar post in another ten years, or perhaps there’ll be someone else keeping Saizen alive, still kicking ass in the 2020s. =)

tl;dr: I’m really glad that I could make this post, and I hope you will enjoy the end of Ashita no Joe and our future releases, cause Saizen ain’t stopping at 10, baby! pls no trollerino, be humble to your fellow human beings, and enjoy the life that has been giving to you!

Stay tuned! Even more releases are on their way to celebrate this awesome day!

CCCP icon[Saizen-HnG]_Ashita_no_Joe_-_78_[DVD][3F4BC0A1].mkv
MD5: 1F2A3A830710FC432333F91FA2925767
CCCP icon[Saizen-HnG]_Ashita_no_Joe_-_79_[DVD][2E904D2B].mkv
MD5: CAB84E93F955A707E2865546EEBA5A58

For those who don’t wanna download the episode all over again, here is a patch for you!

111 thoughts to “Ashita no Joe – 78-79 with Friends | Summer Special Grande Finale! | 10th Anniversary!”

  1. @SaizenFan

    Just watched ep. 64 and it deviates significantly from the manga. In the TV episode, after Joe strikes Nango in the temple and he falls, there is an homage to Rikiishi’s earlier fall. After going to the neutral corner, he gags, drawing the referee’s attention from the count. After a following exchange, Joe goes down and legitimately fails to get up by the 10 count.

    In the manga, there is no Rikiisi homage, Joe vomits directly on ringside spectators thereby more believably distracting the referee. After Joe goes down, be actually does get up by the count of 10, but ignores the referee and starts brawling with his opponent thereby forcing the referee to disqualify him by TKO.

    They also ruin the surprise of Carlos. In a filler scene in the anime, Yokou flat out says to him that he’s there because she wants him to fight Joe. But in the manga, he never learns this, assuming his purpose was to take down the Japanese champ with ease and get the attention of Jose Mendoza. Carlos isn’t willing to fight Joe at all after the Nango match until he earns Carlos’ respect in a spar much later. The reader doesn’t learn the true reason for his arrival until much later.

    Also, a whole locker room sequence with Nango licking his wounds is dropped, along with a running gag of Carlos seducing his girlfriend and building up the grudge match between Nango and Carlos. Lastly Carlos is wearing a sombrero in the anime while he has no such gimmick in the manga.

    It seems there is a ton of filler rewritten material during the slump portion.

  2. @Joe H

    Yeah the scene wtih Nango and Carlos sudcing his gf was great,if you’re a hard fan of AnJ check out the manga, you will find some differences but nothing that changes the outcome of the story

  3. Everyone might have known by now that Rikiishi had a huge fan following, and in AnJ2’s ep 25 Joe shows his respect for Rikiishi as well, hands down to the script writers who heard the fans, Joe and Rikiishi will always be in our hearts forever 🙂

  4. you guys are anime heroes, without you this show may have never seen the light of day in english.

  5. Thank you very very much for all your hard work and dedication! Hope you all had fun! Keep up the good work!

  6. Thanks for subbing Ashita no Joe. This is a great show that I’ve enjoyed until the end.

    Anyway, do you guys from Saizen intent to translate AnJ movies from 80’s?

  7. Thank you so much guys for completing this Ashita no Joe! I am so glad that you guys are also focusing on the great older anime that have not been subbed or have very bad subs. There are so many great older series out there that have no outlet in North America (Unless you understand Japanese).
    It makes me so happy to know that someone out there is actually giving attention to the shows that need it most, rather than giving attention to shows that are already being subbed by a million sub groups.
    Great work Saizen, I hope to see more from you guys!

  8. Thank you guys for finishing this wonderful series. Does anyone know where I can find a translation for the full opening theme? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

  9. Joe H, thanks for the info! Well some changes are inevitable.
    But AnJ fans should be happy regardless. Because if you see what happened with Ace o Nerae! (also adapted by Dezaki/Sugino both as series and OVA) and the changes and omissions they made, we’re talking about two completely different things.

  10. The day is finally here..!! I love you guys!!

    I really hate waiting for new episodes, so I don’t start a show until it has been finished airing or subbing. Back in 2008 I decided to wait for you guys to finish Ashita no Joe, and now I can watch it! Thank you!!

  11. Ah. If its OK is it OK to rip the subs from your release and sync to some raws? Or can you provide a .zip file of the subs please?

  12. You’re welcome to rip the subs yourself but we won’t be providing anything other than what we’ve already released

  13. OK. I found some really nice grainy raws that I’d like to sync the subs up to. These raws arent fansubbed either, which would be helpful.

  14. Have a sneaking suspicion the person in June wasn’t rendering the subs properly. That’s usually people like that’s issue.

    That’s beside the issue of his “solution” for his “problem” being really stupid and having nothing to do it.

    The person in July (Not sure if it’s the same person or not)… Yeah, have fun. Rip the subs and knock yourself out. The subtitle file can be easily ripped from the mkv put out.

  15. Next is not picking up anything new than we already have picked up before we actually finish a few projects (although we have a couple of small unreleased projects that we started).

  16. —————
    2014-07-20 at 10:54 UTC
    Please don’t download this batch as we have revised episodes of 1-17 coming. (extra tlc and some consistency fixes).

    What happened, guys ?

  17. Nothing happened. It’s still happening and it’s getting released whenever the person in charge decides to get it done.

  18. Hi, thanks for all the hard work put into this release! Is there any update on when an official batch will be published with the revised episodes? Been a little while since the last inquiry, so thought I’d ask. Thanks.

  19. Xenocraze, I’m curious about that, too. My guess is that other things came up and they’re simply busy as a result.

  20. Yes, and that involves a full TLC with a full consistency fix vs other episodes because let’s be honest, the first few episodes had aeons of staffers and weren’t very consistent.

    The guy on it is however busy with other things than putting working on the batch first.

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