Summer Special #16!
Here we are, guys. The penultimate day of our Summer Special! Make sure you come and join our celebrations tomorrow as Saizen hits double figures. Yes, you heard right – We’re 10 tomorrow, and we’ve got a few treats lined up for you all
As for this episode, not content with messing around with Billsword, Ogre decides to bare his teeth at Cheetahbaton as well. The kid’s got spirit, I’ll give him that. As ever, thanks to Ruri for their ongoing awesomeness with this series ^^
P.S Ruri Subs are looking for an experienced encoder if anyone’s up for the challenge. They’re got a number of episodes/series stuck at encoding due to retiring staff, so hit them up if you’re interested [/Public Service Announcement]
Prince Ogre has a really fitting name to him.