Happy Tuesday, folks. The epic conclusion to the Shutoku game is here as Seirin tries to make a fourth quarter comeback and move on to the championship league. Kuroko seems to have a plan, but what is he going to do to counter Takao and what did he mean by he could take it up another level? Enjoy!

MD5: 8dd195a938217df0026ba50f232acfb8
MD5: 918c98ca9eac952c3fa345a5a215edf9
Thanks for the release, it was awesome to watch the whole game in a row 😀
Thanks for another great upload! It’s Wednesday here in Australia 😀 so it’s nice to have another weekday release of Kuroko!
Would you guys be interested in translating the anime series “Play Ball”?
The subs for this anime stalled at episode 3 years ago…
Info: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=3293
Thanks for KnB!