And then, after keeping you guys waiting for so long, we finally reached the end of Line Offline: Salaryman. I think we can all agree it was a fun little series with plenty of laughs to be had, and even a nice sunset shot of the office personnel to finish it all off. As ever when it comes to final episodes of a show, we do a roll call of everyone who made this project possible:
Raw Provider: Badskater
Translator: Convexity
Timer: FAbian101, sm2345, ninjacloud and sangofe
Karaoke Timer: FAbian101
Editor: FalseDawn
Typesetter/Kara/All-round Badassery: Timescar
Encoder: Scab (pre-retirement), CharlieB
QC: Kuroiryuu
So thanks to everyone involved, especially Ruri Fansubs, without whom this project wouldn’t have been possible.
Oh, and to answer questions before they inevitably get posed, we probably won’t be doing LineTown because 50 episodes at 25 minutes each is a bit of a slog that could probably be funnelled elsewhere into more exciting projects. And yes, blame me for the styling. I’m sorry ;___;
RIP Scab ;_;
Thank you very much for the hard work! Hopefully will complete watching it today
Thanks guys for the great work, just watched the new batch and it was magnificent watch during dinner ^^
Thank you very much for your hard work! :)))
Thank you so much for this series !! Wish you would pick the Line Town series, no one is willing to fansub it, such a shame Q_____Q
Could someone please seed the torrent batch?