Ashita no Joe – 49-51 & Batch

We’re back, and we decided to just finish up the arc already. 😛
Go grab the latest episodes right away, and find out who wins the greatest battle of history!

Saizen’s tip of the day: Unless you wanna get spoiled, dont watch the preview of episode 51… ^^;

Don’t forget to visit Hokuto no Gun.

CCCP icon[Saizen-HnG]_Ashita_no_Joe_-_49_[DVD][B4272AEE].mkv
MD5: A0CDCC331F88E5A95465D2E6F5165560
CCCP icon[Saizen-HnG]_Ashita_no_Joe_-_50_[DVD][5E672960].mkv
MD5: 9DA899F07C88D69DFB057843A4B5D1BA
CCCP icon[Saizen-HnG]_Ashita_no_Joe_-_51_[DVD][8762AB73].mkv
MD5: 54ABBC5052B29AD1B7BFA337BA0F1FA6

22 thoughts to “Ashita no Joe – 49-51 & Batch”

  1. This is a big surprise that didn’t happen for a long time with joe, 3 eps at once means something better than wrestlemania :P. yea it’s Joe 🙂

  2. wtf, ep51 was really something! oO

    You guys released more joe in the last year than in the three years before! keep going! 🙂

  3. Oh man, thanks so much for the episodes! Joe is always a great watch.

    Exactly how much of the manga does the first anime cover? I was under the impression that this is the point where the second anime starts, but apparently not. ^^’

  4. Surprised no one pointed this out after a year, but there is a pretty big mistake in episode 51. While the title of the episode is “The Life That Burned Out,” the subtitles for the title read the previous episode’s title “End of the Battle”

    As is, both 50 and 51 are subtitled “End of the Battle” on both title screens, though the preview for episode 51 has the correct episode title subs.

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