Well… This is it! The moment you’ve all been waiting for since September 11, 2012: the release of the final three episodes of “Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002! It’s been a long time coming, but I did what I set out to do when I took over the editing duties of this series last year. I finished it – with help, of course! As the picture I selected for this post suggests, the successful completion of this series couldn’t have been done without team work! Therefore, this final release post wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the names of all the people who have worked hard to bring you CT2002, so……. let the credits roll!!
First, I’ll begin with the core group of people (the CT2002 team) who have worked tirelessly to bring you this series. Then, I’ll mention those who filled in when they heard that the Team needed additional assistance for various reasons.
CT2002 Team
Encoder: Edward_K
Translators: sangofe, 8thSin
TLC: kokujin-kun
Timer: positron
Editor: Torianna
QC Team: Kaiser, kokujin-kun, Reed, sangofe, Tvo
Typesetters: Juggen, TheDeath, kokujin-kun
I want to give special thanks to those QCers with knowledge of football… er… soccer…. because they were able to give me the proper terminology to use and helped keep the Commentators’ comments authentic. In addition, special thanks go to sangofe (for his patience with me) and kokujin-kun (for walking me through most of the “technical difficulties” I confronted throughout this series — and there were a lot of them!) Thanks, guys! Couldn’t have done it without y’all!!
So, as they say on American Idol, The X Factor and other similar television programs:
“Give it up for the CT2002 Team”
They’re awesome!
Now it’s time for those people who filled in when the CT2002 Team needed additional help for whatever reason. All of these people worked on random episodes at some point during the time Saizen Fansubs was releasing Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002. Here’s the list of other people who’ve assisted with this project:
Juggen (QC)
Kazuki (QC)
Kohn (TLC)
Lily (Editing)
Nicolai (Timing)
PharaohAnubis (Encoding)
Rosti (QC)
Sportsrmyname (QC)
Takahashi-Keisuke (QC)
Ulquyorra (QC)
Uska (Editing and Typesetting)
Yahzee (QC)
Zef (TLC)
Well… That’s quite a list, but I’m sure there were others that I’m forgetting – especially since so many groups have worked on this series. Here’s a list of these groups from start to finish:
Infusion (Episodes 1-12)
Saizen & SD Project (Episodes 13-19)
Saizen (Episodes 20-26)
Saizen & SHS (Episodes 27-52)
Note: Since so much time has passed since the first episode was released, time may not have been good to us – as far as remembering all of the names that should be included in this release post. So, please forgive me if I inadvertently left out someone. Feel free to send me any names of those who weren’t mentioned but should have been.
On behalf of the entire CT2002 Team (past and present), I want to thank you for sticking with us for our releases of Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series AND the other Tsubasa releases (Captain Tsubasa J and a couple of movies) that we’ve had during lulls in the CT2002 releases.
Speaking of movies, I hear that there’s at least one more movie in the works, and it’s about “The Junior World Cup”, an event that’s been mentioned in CT2002. So… keep checking back for its release date.
Now, you may download and enjoy the three remaining episodes in this series. Heck! Why not enjoy a CT2002 Marathon! Might be enjoyable since I hear the Japanese “football” (I’m tired of using “soccer” to refer to this sport) players have been seeing some action in recent days. I know Chelsea FC (from the British Premier League) has played a match or two in Japan within the past week. Anyway… I’m now rambling, so I’ll close this – the very last – release post for Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002. I’ve really enjoyed myself while working on this project. Sad to see it end, but happy that it’s finally finished! Enjoy!!

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this is awesome! thank you all so much^^
now it would’ve been great if someone releases a batch with the entire series =P
will u continue the original captain tsubasa series where frenchies subs left off??
I wanted to thank you and much to everyone, but I’d still like to see the episode from 1-12 done by you, would be great, besides the project be done only by you would still be able to cast a batch, and I appreciate the effort and hard work of all who were named in the list, thank you guys!!!
Actually Frenchies-Subs never worked on this series. They worked on the original Captain Tsubasa series and Shin Captain Tsubasa. All the episodes 1-12 were done by Infusion.
Frenchies-Subs should continue their project in a couple of months, I don’t think we have plans to do that anyway. And I don’t think we’ll do episodes 1-12 of this series as well.
Anyway, I’m really happy that I had chance to work on this project though I wasn’t able to work on some periods. I want to thank everyone who worked on and realized this project.
As Kaiser said, Torianna made an error with the news post regarding who subbed episodes 1-12. This has been a project full of ups and downs, and in the end it was hard to get people motivated to QC, but we finished it, and I’m very happy about that. When I started to translate, I didn’t even know if we could start this project. In honesty, I just decided on my own to start translating and hoped we could get a team. At times things were going really well with this project, and other times not so well.
As for a batch we have certain episodes we’d like to do v2’s for, however, we don’t have time or energy finding which ones since we never kept a log of it, so it won’t be anytime soon.
I’ll make a batch whenever that time comes. ^^
Thanks guys for the great work all the time, it’s a great feeling to watch anime subbed by you Saizen, I really mean it there, thanks to shinsen-subs and all previous groups too ^__^
Thank you for your whole 2 years effort to finish this fabulous series guys (Saizen, SHS, SD Project and Infusion).
Many thanks to Saizen for bringing us CT2002 as well as 2 of the movies.
If only you guys had taken the original series before Frenchies.
You are welcome.
this is so great! thank you so much for pulling this project till the end!!!<3
Hi, thanks for bringing us this great anime.
I live in Brazil and I was thinking about translating it into brazilian portuguese, but I can’t find the raws. Can you please tell me where can I find the raws so I can start a brazilian portuguese translation of this anime.
do you have srt files for the subs?
no, but you can extract the .ass filse from the mkv’s.
Huacho Si
What are you trying to say?
Hi Saizen. Y’all probably weren’t expecting a comment on Captain Tsubasa Road to 2002 in 2018 but I just finished the series tonight. I just wanted to thank all you guys for all of the CT subs you guys have done. 4 years ago, my cousins from Europe told me about a show called “Oli and Benji”. I, here in Canada, proceeded to look for it with English subtitles finding out that Oli and Benji was a Japanese anime called Captain Tsubasa. I was finding a bunch of different Captain Tsubasa series so I went on Wikipedia and figured out when each series was made so I could watch every single episode of every CT series in order. I watched the first 100 or so episodes of the original CT series rather quickly from a guy who downloaded your episodes and put them on YouTube but then there wasn’t anymore left so I ended up finding your website after I was smart enough to notice you guys putting your name on every episode and search for y’all. It took until earlier this year duirng the summer break for the last episode to finally come out, but alas, I was finally free and from the summer up until tonight, I cruised through the movies, Shin CT, CT J, and CT Road to 2K2.
I couldn’t thank you guys enough because without you there wouldn’t be any Captain Tsubasa in English. All the Captain Tsubasa content (except for Shin CT, which I was luckily able to find with okay subtitles from other people) came from you guys (except the beginnings of the original CT and CT Road to 2K2 before you guys picked them up early). The only Captain Tsubasa content that I haven’t seen is the 3rd movie out of the 4 (you guys gave clear and understandable reasoning though for not subbing it) and this Holland Youth thing (you guys are probably too traumatized from Captain Tsubasa though to do anymore of it). Besides those Shin CT subbers, no one stepped up to do they Tsubasa things you guys didn’t do.
Of course, there is also the remake being currently made right now this year of Captain Tsubasa. I’ll probably watch that in the near future when I’m feeling nostalgic. However, according to Wikipedia, the series is only going to have 52 episodes (just like CT Road to 2K2), but they’re taking even longer to recap the middle school and high school stuff from the original series than Road to 2K2 took, so chances of new additions to the story look bleak. It’s quite a shame, I would’ve loved to see a UEFA Champions League with Tsubasa’s Cataluña, Wakabayashi’s Grünwald, Hyuga’s Piemonte, and Misaki’s French team that the series didn’t even specify, or even the chance to actually see the whole International Cup. But, with the name “Road to 2002”, I guess the series had the correct ending, where the road was over. I’ve heard that the story is actually very advanced in the manga but I don’t see myself reading manga, I simply want to watch the show.
Anyways, I’m rambling on now, I just thank you guys dearly for being the part of one of the biggest things of my childhood, guys in other countries had Captain Tsubasa in their childhood naturally with it being on T.V., I needed you guys to provide it to me, so thank you. (In case you’re wondering, I’m 15 years old, but I was 11 when I first started watching the show).
Thank you for these words! You’re very welcome!
This is one hell of a gratitude! Thanks for your kind words.❤️